tha_rami, either you misunderstood me, or I've misunderstood you.
In my first post I stated I found the original animated versions slightly less disturbing than the versions Accoun posted. Implying they were still in fact disturbing, but less so.
In my second post, I gave my reasons for finding the animated versions less disturbing - it's Japanese anime, it's expected that it would be disturbing to most western people (I'm assuming not to your average Japanese person since this stuff airs on TV over there). However people copying it is more disturbing, as it would indicate an obsession with the original source material.
Maybe you missed the 'less' between the 'slightly' and 'disturbing'?
Anyway I'm just looking for things to do other than the work I'm suppose to be doing at the moment, so if you have any more questions please do post again.
Oh boy! Sleep! That's when I'm a Viking! | Super Nintendo Chalmers!