New Neighbors
So, I'm just sitting here, programming, minding my own business when I hear some sirens going off and some cops talking on loud speaker. So I look outside and these people driving a burgendy colored old car are the ones the cops are talking too. So those people park in their parking space, and 6 cops come out with their guns drawn. Wanna know who those people are? My new neighbors. I think my neighbors were arrested.
Vista Programming (Language/SDK)
Well, I've found an old SDK I made originally called "Hotaru 2D". It's basically a small game creation SDK like DBP but less featured. I was originally looking for it to test out a custom GUI I was going to make (
This one here) in C++. As I was looking at it though, I figured I'd like to test out some of the vista-only features of Windows Vista. So I got a nice feature working, which is for the entire window to be Aero-Glass based instead of just the caption.
I figured I'd make an interpreted language out of it as well, kind of like DBC. Here's a screenshot. And here's a demo app (C/C++):
#include "vpsdk.h"
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR szCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
vInit(256, 256, 32, "Hello!", false, false);
DWORD myFont = vLoadFont("Courier New", 16);
vBeginScene(0x00000000, true);
vDrawBox(32, 32, vGetScreenWidth() - 32, vGetScreenHeight() - 32, 0x77ff0000, 0x7700ff00, 0x770000ff, 0x77ff00ff);
vDrawText(2, 2, "Hello World!", 0xff000000, myFont);
As for the language, it'll resemble a BASIC dialect, hopefully something like:
myFont = LoadFont("Courier New", 16)
while Running()
BeginScene 0x00000000, true
DrawBox 32, 32, GetScreenWidth() - 32, GetScreenHeight() - 32, 0x77ff0000, 0x7700ff00, 0x770000ff, 0x77ff00ff
DrawText 2, 2, "Hello World!", 0xff00000000
Here's all the functions in the SDK so far
void vInit(int width=640, int height=480, int depth=32, char* title="", bool fullscreen=false, bool vsync=false);
void vInitEx(InitHotaru2DStruct param);
void vDeinit(void);
bool vRunning(void);
void vEnd(void);
void vBeginScene(DWORD dwBackground=ColorRGB(0,0,0), bool clearBackground=true);
void vEndScene(void);
void vEndSceneEx(HWND hWnd);
void vShowMouse(void);
void vHideMouse(void);
DWORD vGetScreenWidth(void);
DWORD vGetScreenHeight(void);
DWORD vGetDesktopWidth(void);
DWORD vGetDesktopHeight(void);
int vGetWindowX(void);
int vGetWindowY(void);
int vGetWindowWidth(void);
int vGetWindowHeight(void);
char* vGetWindowTitle(void);
void vSetWindowTitle(char* szTitle);
void vClearScreen(DWORD dwColor=ColorRGB(0,0,0));
void vDrawBox(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, DWORD dwColor0=ColorRGB(255,255,255), DWORD dwColor1=ColorRGB(255,255,255), DWORD dwColor2=ColorRGB(255,255,255), DWORD dwColor3=ColorRGB(255,255,255));
void vDrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, DWORD dwColor0=ColorRGB(255,255,255), DWORD dwColor1=ColorRGB(255,255,255));
void vDrawDot(int x, int y, DWORD dwColor);
DWORD vLoadFont(char* szFont, int size);
void vDrawText(int x, int y, char* szText, DWORD dwColor, DWORD dwFont);
DWORD vGetTextWidth(char* szText, DWORD dwFont);
DWORD vGetTextHeight(char* szText, DWORD dwFont);
DWORD vLoadTexture(char* szFilename);
void vDestroyTexture(DWORD id);
bool vValidTexture(DWORD id);
DWORD vCreateSprite(DWORD dwTexture);
void vDestroySprite(DWORD id);
bool vValidSprite(DWORD id);
void vDrawSprite(DWORD id);
void vPositionSprite(DWORD id, int x, int y);
int vGetSpriteX(DWORD id);
int vGetSpriteY(DWORD id);
void vSetSpritePriority(DWORD id, DWORD priority);
DWORD vGetSpritePriority(DWORD id);
void vSetSpriteScale(DWORD id, float x, float y);
float vGetSpriteScaleX(DWORD id);
float vGetSpriteScaleY(DWORD id);
void vSetSpriteOffset(DWORD id, int x, int y);
int vGetSpriteOffsetX(DWORD id);
int vGetSpriteOffsetY(DWORD id);
void vRotateSprite(DWORD id, float rotation);
float vGetSpriteAngle(DWORD id);
void vSetSpriteDiffuse(DWORD id, DWORD diffuse);
DWORD vGetSpriteDiffuse(DWORD id);
void vSetSpriteTexture(DWORD id, DWORD texture);
DWORD vGetSpriteTexture(DWORD id);
void vSyncInput(void);
bool vKeyState(int id);
void vSetKeyState(int id, bool state);
bool vLeftKeyState(void);
bool vUpKeyState(void);
bool vRightKeyState(void);
bool vDownKeyState(void);
bool vSpaceKeyState(void);
bool vReturnKeyState(void);
Note: I just wanted to combine what would otherwise be two threads into one to save space on the forums.
So, what do you guys think?
"I'd newbie slap here, but I've no idea how far I'd need slap before they'd come back with a clue." - VanB
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