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FPS Creator X10 / Cursor (crosshair) Sensitivity

Black Terror
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Joined: 22nd Mar 2006
Location: Pulse Game Development
Posted: 19th Nov 2007 03:44
FPSC X9 is too sensitive and I think that it should be adjustable in X10, or less sensitive. Also it isn't very smooth.

Custom graphics, textures, and segments
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Location: Bristol, United Kingdom
Posted: 20th Nov 2007 20:55
In what way? If you mean the speed it moves, well just slow your mouse down in the control panel...
If you want it so that users can set how fast it moves in game, well that'll need to come in the next update.

Black Terror
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Joined: 22nd Mar 2006
Location: Pulse Game Development
Posted: 20th Nov 2007 21:18
Yeah, the speed is too high in FPSC, but in my other games it is perfect. It also seems to move a lot at a time, like it takes big steps when you move the mouse.

Custom graphics, textures, and segments
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Joined: 23rd Dec 2006
Location: Rochester, NY
Posted: 21st Nov 2007 00:46
Wait till the next source, I'll create a thread for all the [reasonable] updates that people want.

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