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FPS Creator X10 / Multiplayer Add ons

Black Terror
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Posted: 21st Nov 2007 07:26
Since many of us won't need FPSC X10 for multiplayer, and some of us will want it for multiplayer, maybe TGC could sell a separate add on to FPSC X10 to have a multiplayer system (like a commercial quality one). They could sell it separately for around 30, 50 dollars. I think it would be great, and open up an opportunity for creating commercial quality multiplayer games.

The current FPSC multiplayer system is very low on features and not user friendly. If voice communication, and chat commands were integrated it would really influense more people to buy it.

I hope TGC does something extra with the multiplayer so we can not only have commercial single player games, but also multiplayer games.

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DJ Professor K
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Posted: 21st Nov 2007 09:41
For voice com. you have TS (TeamSpeak) and Vent. (Ventrilo).

But i would like to see NPC support for MP (aka BOTS).

Both pre-ig configurable and map config.

This way we could have simple DM offline (when no friends online), and a coop. gameplay (playing a single player campaign online with friends).
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Posted: 21st Nov 2007 10:23
Nope.Anything they do with multiplayer (if they ever do more) will be added into FPSC x10 since multiplayer is the reason some people buy FPSC.

Please have mercy and use the search function.
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Posted: 21st Nov 2007 14:21
Only things I'd like to see in MP of FPSC are more game modes (especially the Team Death Match), higher max player-limit (16-32 is decent in today's games) and maybe a chat system of some sort. All those after some sort of fixing and imrpoving the performance and ballance.

But still, the single player is the main thing for me, but many seem to rate games higher if it contains a decent multiplayer.
Black Terror
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Posted: 21st Nov 2007 17:37
Well I hope they add some stuff in to FPSC X10, but I don't think that they will make MP very advance. That is why I was thinking a separate pack and then TGC could make some more money off of us.

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Posted: 21st Nov 2007 17:40
SHHH! Don't give them any grazy ideas!

Imma just a poor student
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Posted: 21st Nov 2007 21:03
I am sure that TGC is aware of our wishes regarding multiplayer and how we would like to see it improved.Sooner or later I am sure they are going to address this but it may not be for quite some time.

Please have mercy and use the search function.
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2007 18:52
Quote: ", and chat commands were integrated "

i thought there was chat command all ready but i forget which button it is.

i hope that you can add multiplayer to Sp so that its not two EXEs oh and the ability to have more than one map

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