All you need to use is a joystick. Use the gamecube one
or the N64 one (because they are the best laid out). Don't bother
selling a game with a controller - just add keyboard control -
and mention in the game that it would be better to use a joystick
because of the analog stick.
Nintendo HAVE to make a profit from each game sold - Sony and XBOX also. The games wouldn't exist without the hardware. 50% sounds like
a lot but sales of hardware are minute compared to software. (It'll also explain why the games are so damned expensive). And you can basically buy a gamecube for the price of 2.5 games. Developing hardware costs far more. They cannot recoup their money back through hardware sales alone.
Dual athlon 2000 MP - 1GB ram -
Nvidia Quadro4 550 64mb
Yamaha SW1000XG - Win2k sp2