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FPS Creator X10 / Looking for a New Computer?

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Location: Bristol, United Kingdom
Posted: 28th Nov 2007 17:46 Edited at: 1st Dec 2007 08:44
Now, in case you haven't noticed (because I didn't) it's coming up to Christmas. And if you're like me, and you're running X9 on a laptop circa 1983, then you'll want to be getting yourself a big, meat eating, number crunching machine to run X10 and other games (I'm thinking Crysis here) on.

Now it is possible to spend the rest of my life trawling around sites trying to find the ultimate affordable computer, and I think I might have found it.

But there's only one more in stock, so I'll hang onto the link.

But in the meantime, here's some good places to start your search:

PC Specialist - Custom
DinoPC - Custom
Overclockers UK - Prebuilt
Novatech UK - Prebuilt
Arbico UK - Prebuilt
PC Option - Upgradable
Computer Planet - Custom
Cube247 - Custom
Dell Custom Built PC's
Sweden Only
There's a list of things to start you off. Read the minimum specs for X10 before you buy it, otherwise your machine could be a dud.

Good searching!

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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 06:03
Great resource, thanks.

User Banned
Posted: 29th Nov 2007 07:59
I reccomend Novatech for UK residents, I use them every time, great support, last christmas I got brought a computer from them and it had a line across the moniter. I sent it back and they sent a better one back.

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Roger Wilco
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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 20:17
Residents in Sweden looking for a good site to buy pieces or ready-to-run comps should go to That's where I got mine, 2.3 Dual Core with 2 gig RAM and an 8800 GTS 640MB for just above 10 000 SEK.
Dan the man
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 02:16
You can also try and

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Black Terror
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 04:47 (I think you mean that):

Well this is my review on them. I ordered a computer for X10 with the following:
- Quad 2.4 Intel Processor
- NVIDIA 8800 GTS 320mb GPU
- 2GB Memory
- Windows Vista Home Premium
- 500 watt power supply
- Back-lit keyboard (60 bucks)

Price: About 1350.00 USD

The price was great for the computer compared to Dell or any other website, so if you have a tight budget, but I did have some problems with my PC. At first the computer didn't run. Nothing on the screen. I sent it in free of charge and after 2 weeks we got it back with a new motherboard and it worked great. The speed is fantastic and runs my games like Counter-Strike: Source on highest settings with no problems and keeping a 60 fps frame rate.

The bad news is that my PC has problems starting up. It will take about 20 tries of pushing the on/off button before it will successfully start up and load correctly. I have gotten problems with Windows not launching, blue-screens, and other problems occurring on start-up.

My overall thoughts are that Cyber Power PC is a great company for people that can't afford an expensive computer from another company, but they don't seem to check everything thoroughly.

Price: ***** - Great prices
Customer Service: **** - Phone lines were sometimes busy
Quality: *** - Parts may come broken or not working properly
Easiness: ***** - Website is very easy to use and to customize your PC

I would suggest Cyber Power PC to you, but be careful to make sure that all of the parts are compatible because I did not check and it cost me.

Custom graphics, textures, and segments
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 08:34
@BLack Terror, Roger Wilco and Dan The Man; I'll add them to the list.

Dan the man
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 18:40 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2007 18:57
Theres a cool thing you could add to your computer on Ibuypower its called Killer M1 an anti lag thing you can add to you PC.I think Cyberpowerpc has it too. here are some more website to customize a PC

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