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FPS Creator X10 / X10 specific/exclusive model packs?

AJinx Team
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Joined: 28th Aug 2006
Posted: 29th Nov 2007 03:03
Will there be exclusive model packs for FPSC X10 with High Res textures and more polygon counts?

Personally I think that would be great lol.
Black Terror
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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 03:38
Of course.

Custom graphics, textures, and segments
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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 21:51
I know that at some time in the future that TGC plans on making versions of the current model packs that are compatible with FPSC x10.When FPSc x10 is released and TGC starts selling media for it I would assume that they would make the packs compatible with both versions of FPSC as well as DarkBasic Pro.I think that any third party developer that's going to put out anything good will also make media comaptible for both versions of FPSC.
I know that Jon and Bond are both working on model packs for x10 and my understanding is that they are making these for this version of FPSC as well.
But we should let them actually release x10 before we start in on this model pack craziness...

Please have mercy and use the search function.

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