I'm not entirelly sure, but this is how I would put it:
You can imagine lots of classes, such as Object, Sound, Light, etc, and they would all be a sub-class of an Entity class, and that class might contain functions to position, rotate, scale, etc, which the sub-classes would inherit from.
If it was in an OO scenario, might look like this:
class Entity
Entity( void ) {}
void Position( float x, float y, float z ) { stuff }
void Rotate( float x, float y, float z ) { stuff }
class Object : public Entity
Object( void ){ create object in here }
class Light : public Entity
Light( void ){ create light here }
// create an object
Object Ball;
Ball.Rotate( x, y, z );
// create a light
Light Torch;
Torch.Position( x, y, z );
I believe in Blitz3D it's done something like this:
ball = MakeSphere()
torch = MakeLight()
RotateEntity( ball, x, y, z )
PositionEntity( torch, x, y, z )
Dont quote me on the syntax though...
"It's like floating a boat on a liquid that I don't know, but I'm quite happy to drink it if I'm thirsty enough" - Me being a good programmer but sucking at computers