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FPS Creator X10 / first x10 user reiew

henry ham
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 19:40
ok ive only had 20 mins playing with it but here goes

loaded in sweet
starts up with a splash screen with tutorials & bits & bobs on it .
closed that quick & the first thing that hit me was it looks just like x9 .( so nice & easy to work with )

so i dived straight in & went to ww2 segments hey what the hell is this ive been robbed i cryed theres only x9 media in here !!! but not to be disheartened i made a few rooms & hit test game .

it took slightly longer than x9 to load but not a lot ,to my relif it looked all new, sharp and crisp graphics & ran as smooth as a chip .i had a quick play with water & bloom ( both will add a newlook to your games )

i came back out & went to load in some caracters oh no not again x9 media ,loaded a few in & this time i was dissapointed x9 just brushed up a bit what a shame after all this time they could have added some new media .

but that aside it looks & plays great .
like i said ive only played with it for 20 mins & not looked at anything else yet so stay tuned for more .
screenies in next post .

if you want anyting looking at let me know & i will do my best to give you a honest opinion of it .

cheers henry ham

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henry ham
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 19:44
ok heres the screenies

cheers henry ham

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m man
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 19:48
Nice, do you have a little demo game you could show us pretty please i am dying to try x10 out.
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 20:01 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2007 21:01
THAT IS SOO FREAKEN [mod edit]please find words to desribe things that fall within the AUP[/mod edit] MAN. They didn't tuch the WW2 part. From what I see in the pic, it's all the same as FPSCX9!!!!!!!!!!

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Black Rebel Heart
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 20:08
Hey it's not all that bad. The reason some of us were starting to hate the stock media was because of how old it started to look. These new effects make it worth using again

Cheese Cake
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 20:09 Edited at: 1st Dec 2007 20:09

Than make it yourself!
Its not like they planned to make a whole new media scenery etc.
It was meant for X10...and not for some Media...

And also.....uhm editor shot?
Of course it almost looks the same...its in the editor interface
not ingame...

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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 20:21
Did you load this over the top of X9? (X10 Upgrade) Or did you load this from scratch? Does it load from scratch? I'm curious about the term upgrade and how that applies to X9.


I'm sorry, my answers are limited. You must ask the right question.

Dr Parsnips
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 20:28
Quote: "Did you load this over the top of X9? (X10 Upgrade) Or did you load this from scratch? Does it load from scratch? I'm curious about the term upgrade and how that applies to X9.


It loads from scratch, so its a completely separate program, which is nice coz i can have both running along side each other

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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 20:35
Sweet, because I'm going to run mine on two different systems.


I'm sorry, my answers are limited. You must ask the right question.

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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 21:32
Oh, that's really bad. Most of the media is the same as X9.


I promise everyone, when I get X10 I will make a model pack that contains X10 quality media, for free. Probably Guns and entities.
For low price FPSC and Dark BASIC media packs.
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 21:40
did you check out the scifi by any chance ?
screen shot would be good before a negative.
what about some positives i am sure if you look
you will only find that x9 doesnot even compair
to x10 and you should start to learn what x10
can do first. and await dowload for the ragdoll
ect. did you try the auto update feature.
i did read somware that model packs are being
coverted for x10. so lets see a screen of the scifi.
after all what can you do with the old ww media anyway.
its to outdated, as for quality mabie your setings are
wrong or you pc is not quite to spec becouse i find an
amazing diference in quality and and speed. whithout
even saying anything about the amazing A.I and water and bloom ect
learn how to use these first these will make the screen shot you posted look like x10 should. i bet in 3 to 4 days your screenshots
will be amazing not only to you but to others as well.
i look forward to seeing what can be achived with x10.
have you tried using the scripts for enemy friend ect,
and any of the other features avalable. show us more
as soon as you have some more screenies plz.
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 22:16
how do you enter into the Edit Refraction mode and bloom effects like water? can you help me?
henry ham
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 22:18
press tab key when in test game mode

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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 22:19
okay thanks...
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 22:20
Can you make a short level with alot of rooms and allies so i can test it on my pc? thanks, and its great you have it, i have to wait 2-4 north america...make a cool demo with lots of guns and enemies allies and weapons...really appreciate it if you can....
henry ham
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 23:53
just made a 2 room demo but when it was finished it was 420 meg i think thats a bit big to post lol

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henry ham
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 23:56
heres a screenie

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Endless Fps Team
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 23:59
nice add enemies and some allies and some cool effects..great job...keep it up..i mean 420 megs aint much, i mean ill download and test it when or if you finish...
Jon Fletcher
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 23:59
there doesn't appear to be any light-mapping in that screenshot, just to say

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 00:05
Quote: "there doesn't appear to be any light-mapping in that screenshot, just to say"

Wow he is right, nobody has posted a pic with lights!

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 08:56
For a secend there i thought it was FPSCX9 exept for the hud.
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 10:29
Quote: "For a secend there i thought it was FPSCX9 exept for the hud. "

It does look exactly like X9.
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 10:44
Just the water en ragdoll ( no in the V1 ), and UV mappin is new !!!

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 12:53
Quote: "FPSCX10 = FPSC
Just the water en ragdoll ( no in the V1 ), and UV mappin is new !!!"

You got some terms mixed up there. UV mapping is related to cordinating the position of texture-images on to the 3D model, and thus was already used in the old version (and just about every 3D game after late 90's).

But there really are dozens of new features and the program was built up from a scratch. The layout looks the same, but even that has multiple new & useful options!
henry ham
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 14:27
ok here is a quick test level for you ,( no weapons or enemys to cut down on file size )i will add to it & post a bigger download later .

cheers henry ham

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General powell11
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 15:39
lol, maby he is so used to x9 he forgot to put 35 enimies and 15 allies and a lot of dynamic objects

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 15:50
Quote: "lol, maby he is so used to x9 he forgot to put 35 enimies and 15 allies and a lot of dynamic objects "

lol, that is true, when I get my copy of fpscx10 and my new comp in about 30 years lol, I will be so scared at first when I place those 50 characters.

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Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 15:53
I cant play your level
I have a 8600 Gt 265 Mb and vista but i get a error

I got a screeny with the problem, but it is my dutch pc.
the error says: cant find d3dx10.Dll and failed to load Dbro setup.

screeny in jpeg >>>

Can i script? Uhmm i think that i can script...


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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 19:07
Do you have Dx10 installed?

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 19:11
Most of the "new" media is inside the Sci Fi section. It would be best for you to do an in-depth review rather than a 20 minute quick review.

You have all the new content you have seen in the videos!

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 19:32
The first thing i noticed was that the marker icons looks different

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Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 21:01
Quote: "Do you have Dx10 installed?"

Yes i have, and i have that dll AND i have update my driver again.

Can i script? Uhmm i think that i can script...
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 21:30
Damn! the game is slow on my laptop
the software is nice but i think it needs more optimizations.

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 21:38
Dark Jaguar Flame : According to your screenshot, I can tell you that you need a newer version of DX10.
henry ham
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 00:33
RickV ok here is part 2 of my review

ok since my first post ive had a good old play with the si-fi media & like rick says all the new stuff is in here ,the new caracters are really cool,& updated textures of the old media look great to.

not much in the way of new entitys but the old media looks fresh with the retextures .

the room segments look really cool & can be given a completely different look by playing around with the bloom slider .

the water feature is great but would be better if it could be set to single segments so you could set small pools of water as well as large areas .( i think lee said he would have a look at this in the future )there are loads of settings that you can play around with to make your water look diferent from everyone elses so all water based games dont have to look the same .

ive made a few test levels & had some really good framerates my best was 400 but also had some really crappy ones to ,12 was the lowest ( but this could be down to me only having 1gig of ram )i will get 1 more gig in the morning to see if this sorts it out.the build game menu is almost the same as x9 so you wont have any problems there & its quite fast to, but even a small 2 room demo with a few bits & bobs comes out at over 400 meg so you may need to buy some dvds if you want to share your games .

ive had a few crashes already but that maybe down to me running more than just x10 at the same time & overloading my pc lol .

there are loads of new bits i could talk about but i think that this is enough for this post so stay tuned for more .

cheers henry ham

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henry ham
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 00:39
a few screenies

i havent put many in game screens up yet as most x10 posters have done that ,so thought you would like to see what the interface & media look like .

cheers henry ham

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General powell11
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 00:48
thaats a lot of scifi charectors

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 00:49
Thanks! The screenies are realy great. But what are the little logos by some of the thumbnails?

henry ham
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 00:53
it says x10

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 00:55
Hmm... what's that one next to Raknos (Unarmed)? I don't think I remember seeing that as a new character.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 00:55
Thanks =] So what makes those characters different from the other x10 characters so that they need a logo? (sorry for all the questions)

henry ham
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 01:09
some kind of robot i think, it doesnt say x10 so im not sure if its new or not.

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henry ham
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 01:11
some kind of robot i think ,it doesnt say x10 so im not sure if its new or not .

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 01:11 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2007 01:15
The X10 badge indicates exclusive X10 features like higher resolution textures and/or poly counts, intro animations, and LOD switching in some cases.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 01:29
Oooh! What do you mean by intro animations? Special animations that play when the character is spawned?

henry ham
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 01:34
when the magnason sees you he growls and waves his arms before attacking thats really cool

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 01:36
I really cant wait for x10! I just hope they deliver it when I'm home from college, or I'll have to go all the way to the post office to collect it... >.>

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 12:48
Ah! So they finally added the LOD-feature as well?

Any info of how it works? Does the engine automaticly reduce the polycount of models, or do you have to have separated models for all the LOD-levels (like Max-, medium- & low-poly) ? I was thinking of using lots of custom-media (selfmade), so I'm interested.
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 12:50
Sorry, I'm a little curious here. What is the "LOD-feature"?

Jon Fletcher
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2007 13:15
LOD = Level of Detail, it means FPSC X10 now uses mesh degradation when at distances, to boost framerates.

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