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FPS Creator X10 / when will WE be able to download X10?

Endless Fps Team
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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 22:55
Yes, the title explains it currently waiting for x10 through mail, but i live in the usa, so itll take about 2-4 for everyone out there when will be able to download X10? i cant wait for it
Black Terror
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2007 00:42
Yes please!!!! Even a 30 day demo will give us something to do.

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Posted: 5th Dec 2007 14:24 Edited at: 5th Dec 2007 18:38
yep, gotta weigh in here as well. VERY anxious to take this for a spin.

edit >> just installed my 8800 gt card and played a couple of the demos floating around the forum - Whoo Boy !! i see some sleep deprivation in my near future... just as soon as i take delivery of X10

Professional Atmospheric Skybox Textures
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 21:20
*bump* I'm also waiting for a downloadable version of FPSC X10... I ordered it a few days ago, and I don't want to have to wait another 2-4 week to use it :-(
Tutelage Systems
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 00:12
I think its too big to be downloadable. It comes on a DVD-ROM, so its approximately just over 1 gig. If everyone downloads it, it would be pretty expensive for TGC to pay for their bandwidth

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