hehe, lucky you hyrichter, all fancy with a disk drive - I could only dream about that. I had (and still have) the cassette tape storage device
. The tape had to be cued up to the right spot via the analog counter on the unit itself (hahaha). When you ran CLOAD the tape would play and you would hear those analog to digital squelches, like modems make when they first dial up and connect. The machine would read in the audio data, and I assume it would read an End marker, that was saved at the end of the data, because eventually the tape would stop playing and the screen gave some prompt that it was done. Then you'd type LIST to see your code (if all went well) HAHAHA.
you knew what was on your tapes by writing it down:
game 1-45
app x 50-72
if you hit the reset button on the tape drive while the tape was not at the beginning, you had to rewind it and press reset again, then go to the start of your data block, or else youd load or save not where you wanted to. very high tech for 1982 haha. Oh yeah, CSAVE
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