Repetition gameplay city...
I mean it isn't a bad game, just it's basically Prince of Persia in a weird trying to be real-but-not-actually-reading-a-history-book sorta way in the middle-eastern christian(well jewish) prodominant nations that oddly by some natural disaster have become far closer together than physically possible without damaging any of the cities or culture plus a huge focus on combat which quite frankly has never been Prince of Persia's strong suit... and unfortunately they never really quite got that aspect right.
While I do love the whole choice of 3/6 possible tasks to get an assasination mark, with the AI doing a really nice job to allow for replayability for each mission; problem is each damn mission and list of tasks is identical. Alright so often different locations but realistically they all work identically.
The same for loosing the crusader heat too, there's like 4-5 ways to do it; with them being able to be dropped into 2 catagories.
Hiding, or Running Away Quickly.
There's no real way to beat you way out of a situation (especially later on) with seemingly endless crusaders. Seriously if King Richard had this many guys on his side, he could've trounced the sodding Romans (if you forgive the fact they never were in the same time period
The phasing back to "reality" is a nice break, but again there is very little to do.
I mean once you get past the whole free-running aspect the game is seriously prince of persia... without the well thought out platforming puzzle areas. Which kinda defeats the point.
Going back to the main base each mission for a sodding lecture (which you can't skip on the PS3) just is annoying, same goes for the Metal Gear Solid taunting and death speeches.
I wouldn't be so irritated with them if they weren't all out to make you feel like the biggest dick on the planet for offing them despite it being your job, although in the end you find out why; there is no actual distinction between good and evil. This in itself is cool and I did like how they were trying to show both side of the coin at the same time; but the way it is all presented just took the joy out of killing each one of them. Especially when it's every bloody one!! If one or two actually deserved it, that'd be cool; or if the story twisted at some point and you were like "Oh wait, wtf dude I'm totally on the wrong side" or even better you did things like in Splinter Cell Double Agent to choose a side would've been better.
Instead you get none of that. I mean it's a game designed to not only make you feel stupid, but provides you no choice but to mindlessly do your masters bidding... with yes that annoying repetition.
Grand Theft Auto was the same, which yeah I also found fun. Problem is this only ends up being limited fun; especially with such a bloody linear storyline.
They've tried to artificially extended the lifespan of the game (which believe me is too damn short for this sort of title), and force you through a linear as hell storyline that in the end you probably won't care about. Again much like GTA.
Only reason I completed the game, was cause it was like 6hrs.
It doesn't even really have any side missions, I mean it does... but they're all the damn same, so realistically it doesn't. As you get bored of them quickly.
Then you get into the whole crowd npc issues of where the entire city pretty much treats you and you alone like dirt; yet god forbid you do anything back as the game will instantly make you feel like the reincarnation of hitler for it.
I found it pretty hard to fight the urge not to constantly thin out the retarded gene-pools of people who obviously needed some sorta hobby so they don't get stabbed in such dangerous cities.. cause I quite frankly didn't want to have to fight or hide from another endless wave of guards and crusaders.
Probably the same reason I held own the "sneak" button while riding about, which ironically is only slightly slower than regular walking or trotting pace. You end up doing it though cause aparently 3mph is fine, but 4mph is completely over the limit and make it obvious that you an assasin (which the crusaders would often yell if I ever did over this ridiculously strict speed limit)
Add to this you're the only bugger on a horse most of the time, if not all the time in real-time gameplay (as opposed to cut-scenes)
I mean wasn't bad... just is one of those games I reckon I'd have enjoyed much more if people hadn't been crowing it'd be the next best thing to sliced bread, which if we were all living in Altairs era perhaps this'd be true as well given it probably wasn't invented yet.
Enevitabily you'll be disappointed with the story you have to endure to complete it (and earn all those lovely "accolades" or achievements if you have a real gaming machine
) you'll probably play it again to abuse people in the world, but certainly won't do it to actually play through it again to complete.
I'm begining to think the current game budgets only cover the actual concept for a game, cause from what I'm seeing right now it certainly as hell ain't going on anything else in many.
Look at Crysis, it's a bog standard shooter.. hell it's worse cause it's a bog-standard shooter with "super-powers" given via a suit which frankly I think you only have cause of the realistic nature of the weaponry and sheer numbers of enemies (which good god gets weird about half way through)... still you don't really change from start to finish and the freedom truely kills the whole experience.
Especially when you think about how advanced the engine is, yet it's never put to any decent damn use; and the only people actually capable of running it at a reasonable speed are those who've dropped nearly £1,500 for their brand-spanking-new-rigs.
I certainly as hell wouldn't have dropped £300 to get a top-notch graphics card, just to play that game.. or any of the current wave of games really. Given Call of Duty 4 imo is currently the best damn one out currently for multi-platforms, and it runs perfectly find on sodding IGPs why the hell anyone would run out and get a nice new GeForce 8800 or Radeon 2900 for almost £300 is beyond me just to play these new games.
I'm all for graphics being pushed, but frankly having to update cards every 6months is just ridiculous. I mean for gods sake unless you have SLi or Crossfire cards, you just can't get Crysis to max out and maintain a reasonable framerate (I've heard the same about Assasins Creed, and Gears of War, although Gears I have running fine on a mid-range card; with medium graphics (about the same as the 360) which tbh suits me just fine)
Could just be me, but I'd actually perfer content and substance over graphics. It's about bloody time some developers (hardware and software) learnt this cold hard fact too.
I mean the current selection of graphics cards is a joke.
You can't really tell performance between each card, there's too sodding many that do too many different things on the market with wildly fluctuating prices not really relating to their performance at all.
For gods sake, while we all can marvel over the £450 giant 8800 Ultra for it's performance; people realise that under DirectX9 it's only marginally quicker than the 7950-series which costs almost 1/4 the price. Seriously, with DirectX10 performance what it is why not just buy a sodding mid-range last-generation card and spend what you save on getting a console you know will last you 4-5years at this point with zero compatibility issues?
To me consoles are really starting to show more and more their worth, just a shame your only real choice for a gaming platform is the 360; given the Wii will leave you with limp wrists after an hour of play, and the PS3 seems to constantly be suffering an identity crisis. Is it a gaming machine? Is it a media centre? Is it a movie player? Is it a desktop pc? At this point you just don't bloody know. It really does need to decide what it wants to be and focus on it!
I know it's a long rant, but probably won't get to do another for a good week or so; and frankly the games industry is just pissing me off on the whole right now.