Thanks for the tips Omen. I'll give it a go. I'm discovering that FPSC is not really designed to make really functional outdoor levels. I wish that it was as easy as making a map in Farcry. That was a lot of fun.
I've got another idea that I'm playing with that I think can be done in FPSC. I'd like to make a little mini game that happens in a "wal-mart" kind of store (obviously not exactly like wal-mart so that I'm not infringing on copyright and logos). I want to make it just a good multiplayer game and I think that I'll substitute the guns for scanners. It would be easy to make teams because everybody in these stores wears red vests and blue vests.
At the same time, I am very very new to 3D modeling and I want to do it myself. I'm artistic and I have good writing skills and such, so I know that I can make a game. I just need to learn how to make 3D models.
What program would you guys recommend that I use to start off? And where could I find beginner tutorials that would help me? I'm very willing to learn and I'd like to contribute back to the 3D community once I've got it down. I really need very basic step-by-step guides to help me learn the tools of whatever program that I end up using. I've tried finding generators for whatever I need, and it's not the same. I really want to add a personal touch to whatever I do. Once again, thanks for the help!!!
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