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FPS Creator X10 / Magic Fps and FPSC x 10

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Posted: 10th Dec 2007 22:47
Magic fps will work inconjuntion with x10 all you have to do is change the line in the prefs file to point to x10 instead.

goto the root directory of magic fps and edit the file called prefs
with the text editor to the line below.

c:\Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator x10

or where ever you have placed fpsc x10 and hey presto all works.

Zero #43
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Posted: 10th Dec 2007 22:48
im confused. and by magic fps you mean...?

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Posted: 10th Dec 2007 22:58
magic fps is a segment editor and entity editor for fps which makes your like very easy for making segments as easy as making games in x10.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2007 23:24
I fount out that when I used Magic fps that everything it made was invisable in x10 but the new signs is 100% compatible with x10.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2007 23:27 Edited at: 10th Dec 2007 23:29
Hit and miss using Magic FPS with FPSC X10 here. Most entities show up properly, but are invisible during test game.

Most appear to be texture issues though, as the model is there, confirmed by poly count and collision, just invisible.

I have resolved most issues by replacing the texture with a .dds or .png file and altering the .fpe created by Magic FPS.

I have had good luck as well with Signs 4.27, as pointed out by s4real

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Posted: 12th Dec 2007 01:12
cool, im having no probs with magic fps but im using the second edition dont know if that helps.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2007 22:24
I am using Magic Second Edition two but I can't locate the files when it saves them. What folder do I need to look in to find my models when it makes them.

Kenneth J. Williams
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 20:14
I got it to work perfectly and in game.

the secret is you have to also copy over the files in to your documents folder. If you look into your Docs folder you will see X10 there as well as well as all the files once again. very very strange.


Phoenix Sentry Programmer & CoFounder
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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 01:18
Hi, FastBurst.
About Magic FPS 2, I need some help.
This is a little confusing. I see a folder called (FPSC X10 Files) in my documents folder but not a folder called X10.

Could you post some detailed instructions on how you set up the program to work with FPS Creator X10. Including where to install Magic FPS 2 on hard drive.

How to get it to notice FPS Creator X10. And also folder setup. Where to look for models when it export them.

I would like to use some of my own models in my games.
Thank You.

Kenneth J. Williams

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