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FPS Creator X10 / How much new media is in X10?

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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 15:23
I have seen screenshots showing new guns, characters, and segments, but is there any page that shows a full list of the new media included with X10 that isn't already in X9?

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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 20:02
There are a few new characters in the scifi section of the entities along with a new weapon, new room and some X10 items. All the old media looks mint in X10 so they are like new. Once the model packs are patched to run, this is a solid game developement software with fantastic results.
Bad Monkey
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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 21:58
There's about four new sci fi characters, no new wwII characters. Two new guns.

But, everything looks a lot nicer and cleaner and the ragdoll makes the deaths look a lot better.

Buy some new FPSCreator Ready Characters at:
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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 23:00

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 20:22
2 new guns?

I found only the chugshot??

Can i script? Uhmm i think that i can script...
chees hed
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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 01:22
i think there are like 4 or 5 new characters and 2 new guns.
Quote: "ragdoll makes the deaths look a lot better."

way better than shooting a rocket and they just fall strait back without even moving an inch (?!?)

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Cheese Cake
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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 01:35
Where is the second gun?

I thought the only new one was the scifi one...

and 5 new characters:

Fat zombie, (Bond1's creation...dont know how it is called)
Alien, (Jon Fletcher's creation...dont know how it is called)
Bond1's Gears of War inspirated character, (shown in 3dchat)
Robot, (Artist?!? dont know, named Ussyluss or something like that)

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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 02:05
Wow, I think thats a real disappointment. I was hoping for a lot more.

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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 04:02
I think by the second gun he probably means the new skin for the colt .45

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chees hed
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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 22:14
sure, ya thats what i meant, i dont know if there are actually 2 guns but someone said there were 2

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Cheese Cake
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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 23:39
There is only 1 gun and thats the Chugshot...
(best weapon)

5 new characters as mentioned above...
Some new items...2 new decals (soft particle)
1 New skybox.
Also almost all of the media is refined for X10...

And there are lots of new meshes for segments...
More ramps, actual floor corners, broken floor, etc..etc..

But i wouldnt buy X10 for the media...
(well the new weapon, and new characters are great!)
The main goal is...its X10...

chees hed
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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 02:28
yeah and fpsc x10 is just amazing and, unlike x9, you can actually sell you're game in a store if you work hard enough. and you really dont need to work very hard ( though i suggesst you use the tools you've been granted to staiten out the details in your game to get it exactly the way you want it )

but the new media is really great and the thing why everyone is complainig about no new WW2 media, well, there is not much more than you can add. eveyone in WW2 looked the same and that is actually MORE character variety than games like Call of Duty (1-3), Medal of Honor, and Brothers in Arms. Everyone just looked the same in WW2 and they pretty much covered it.

when the chicken crosses the road, he never comes back
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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 04:04 Edited at: 18th Dec 2007 04:06
Quote: "The main goal is...its X10..."

Yes, but the old stuff just really doesn't cut it for me. It wouldn't really bother me if it just had maybe one new category like ww1 or anything. I just don't know if I want to spend $80 on some old x9 media redone to look a little better. Here let me explain it to you. After a while when people get used to X10 but many people still don't have it, Say I was to post some screen shots on here, people will start saying "oh the same old stock media, what a boring game".
Do you understand what I'm saying.

The only thing that really keeps me into this is the new features(which still lacks vehicles and the important stuff), but slowly and slowly I'm fading out of it because even if I did get it, it would take me like 2 years to make a great game because I will have to make my own media, and by that time they will have even better graphics and X10 will be no good.

Also, nobody is used to making X10 quality stuff, besides maybe bond1 and jon. Cheesecake I like you Berserker dude is looking great and would be a great add on for X10.

What happened to bond1's Egyptian work, is that in X10 or no, and why just 5 new characters when jon and bond1 made about 5 each. They only choose 5 of them. I just don't know if I could understand why they would do that.

I guess I just dont understand why X10 is lacking so many of the things that x9 lacked. Its just a really hard decision for me to make.

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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 09:12
If you have FPSC x9 you'll spend only 45 euros.
And the old media looks very nice in Direct X 10. I understand your problem, but many of us have media that can't be used in x9(because of poly count), and are waiting for x10, like myself. I don't create characters, but static objects(or dynamic) I'm very used to it. So there are many people creating media, maybe not as gifted as Jon and Bond1, but while they create characters, we create environment.

Cheese Cake
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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 09:35
X10 handles polycount better than X9...
or at least so i have noticed with a custom character of mine...
(polycount 2500 lagged in X9, worked great in X10...even better i could placed 20 of them without any lag at all)
X10 uses water, better shaders, allies enemies neutral, better AI...and so on.

X10 has better Media (only for scifi).
Has more meshes for segments (especially WW2).
New textures....also the common ground (segment) uses a better texture.

If you are only getting X10 for media...than i would say dont get it.
Cause its easy to make your own stuff...
which would be better than the WW2 section...
(scifi would be hard, to outmaster with quality)

Quote: "Also, nobody is used to making X10 quality stuff, besides maybe bond1 and jon. Cheesecake I like you Berserker dude is looking great and would be a great add on for X10."

I know...its hard to get used to it in the begin...
But when you are used to will all make sence...
and be as simple as X9...
(this time with better graphics)

You create your models and textures just like you did in X9...
(only put a _D2, the end of the texture if you want to use a normal map)
Export it in X.format....etc...easy!

And i almost forgot...X10 also uses better shadows...
and dynamic entities arent all light up like in X9
(which was pretty annoying)

Expect many many model packs for X10...
(from forum users, or from TGC themself)
With many themes...

I would say....get it because it is X10...
But if you are still wondering about the media...
than wait till someone makes a model pack which looks great
in your certain theme.

chees hed
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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 19:44
the new sci-fi characters are good enough for me. except i do wish they had a new categorie called "horror" ya you know you want it too. things like zombies,ghosts,mutants,zombies,zombies, and zombies. and they could have some gibs and bloody furniture and even guns that are more along the lines of a horror theme: flamethrower, something like a soul eater that would take you're soul (), kro-bars, chainsaws, yall no where i come from.

when the chicken crosses the road, he never comes back
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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 20:16 Edited at: 18th Dec 2007 20:16
Everything in FPSC X10 is better than in X9, it's called evolution really.

Finally I can make a project I dreamt since the first days of FPSC, my WW2 shooter, "Days of Infamy". The future is so bright!

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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 20:45
Five (5) new high quality sci-fi characters
Two (2) new sci-fi room segments
One (1) new sci-fi weapon
parallax relief mapping
volume soft shadows
soft particle shader


The first DirectX10 game creation system...


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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 20:52
Quote: "Priceless."

I agree

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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 21:33
Please add:

- Maybe the best and most active FPS creation community.

fallen one
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Posted: 19th Dec 2007 00:26
Quote: "parallax relief mapping"

isnt that only on the weapons and characters but not the segments, as they use normal mapping and not parallax for segments, I seem to remember the newsletter had a video link showing in working on just the weapons.

Evil Things Most Foul
chees hed
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Posted: 19th Dec 2007 01:31
since all the model packs are being converted, i want to see what the mp4 zombies look like and the soldiers from mp1 and the guns from mp5. no rush, im just saying i want to see what they will look like.

when the chicken crosses the road, he never comes back
Endless Fps Team
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Posted: 20th Dec 2007 03:13
Quote: "Five (5) new high quality sci-fi characters
Two (2) new sci-fi room segments
One (1) new sci-fi weapon
parallax relief mapping
volume soft shadows
soft particle shader


The first DirectX10 game creation system...


@ Xploys - Great Visa

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