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FPS Creator X10 / got my copy of fpscx10 but...

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 17:19
Its amazing and my card (geforce 8600 GT 265 MB) Runs fine.
But test level loads realy slow.Is that normal or must i have more ram.

My specs are:

2.6 Ghz
32 bit
2 GB ram
And geforce 8600 GT 265 MB

Sorry for my realy bad english

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General Reed
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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 19:39
Due to the seemingly highly inefficient codeing of fps creator x10, lee recomended at least an 8800. That will be your problem

CPU: AMD X2 6000+ 3.0ghz GFX: NVIDIA BFG Geforce 8800GTS 640MB OC-550mhz core RAM: 2048mb

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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 20:14

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 20:22
But its not in-game but when i load the game

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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 20:43 Edited at: 13th Dec 2007 20:48
Listen to Lee's presentation from this month's newsletter. He explains why the loading can be slow - X10 uses MANY more textures than X9. For example, the Magnason character uses 2048x2048 textures, in the form of a diffuse map, normal map, and specular map. On top of that there are five variations of EACH used for instancing. So 5x3=15 textures just for that one character! That's a heck of a lot to lead into video ram. I think it would be faster for you if you had a card with AT LEAST 512mb of memory, and preferably more.

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Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 21:03
Can i give my card more mb?

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Retired Moderator
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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 21:11
As far as I know you cannot increase the memory on a video card so you'll have to get a new card.An 8600 with 512MB will work but the recommended one (for all of the fancy effects and pretty pictures) is an 8800 with at least a gig or two of RAM.
I wish (and do hope) that Lee and co. can find a way to optimize FPSC so it works better on lower end cards.
The rumor is after the holidays they are going to release new cards and the 8800s will fall in price.

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Tutelage Systems
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 00:47
Dark Jaguar Flame, just to clarify that It is the loading and not the game play itself? I run an 8600GTS as well and have no problems.

If its the game play make sure your Drivers are up-to-date.
Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 15:53
The game is perfect but when i load the game and it loading the entity bank en furtur, that cost much time for my pc.

And its not a real problem it is boring.

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Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 16:19 Edited at: 14th Dec 2007 16:42
WOW All water effects on full runs fine ! ( I mean in-game)

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Jon Fletcher
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 16:37
Quote: "The game is perfect but when i load the game and it loading the entity bank en furtur, that cost much time for my pc."

this is simply the game building, and the process is hard enough with the amount of content needing to be loaded into place (as Mark mentioned). as far as i know, the only way the loading can be sorted faster is by multiple core processors, what model is yours? (you only mentioned the clock speed)

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 16:46
AMD athlon Dual core processor 5600+ 2.80 GHz

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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 08:37
FredP. I hope your right about that. Right now the 8800's are still around 6-$700 bucks. I can't afford the 8800's let alone VISTA. Heck I couldn't find the 8800's on for a good price. So yea untill the price comes down it's X9 for now.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 15:29
I've been recommending 8800GT's for a while now. They are the cheapest but still surprisingly powerful 8800s on the market, I recently ordered mine, and it costed only 225€! That's something like--- 250-260$? For a card that overpowers 320MB versions of GTS and ATi's HD2900, I'd say the price is amazing!
Fruitless CRUNK
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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 20:38
I run a 8600GTS OC with 256 MB GDDR3 and can run this and Crysis at full speed with no problem. Check you're prosser and see if it is a good one. Many people can tell you that it's you're card, but really you could be like me and get a lower gread card and get a desent prosser and run everythang fine. Remember that the graphics card isn't the only thang in you're PC. Also I recondmend getting a sound card as well as a stronger powersupply. More power means better frames. And last but not least, WATER COOLENT. I have one of them and this is VITAL( I think) for you're gameing exprence. Fans just don't cut it once it come's to water coolent. This is all of the stuff I have in my PC. I run CRYSIS on vary high with all anti reales with out any problem.


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Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 21:20 Edited at: 16th Dec 2007 21:21
I just upgraded my power supply and video card this morning.
FPSC X10 is installed and I have given it a try.
All I can say is WOW! I am very happy with the new features.
Skyboxes on the fly people! The water, the WATER!!! WOW!
Excellent AI, and as many baddies at one time as you want!
Performance on the 8800gt is great so far.
I just hope that it doesn't overheat and burn up like my 8500gt did. (defective fan)

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Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 15:53
My cooler make many noise
Yeah FPSC X10 runs fine with my computer.. Mayby when the 9 series comes out,i buy a new card.. AND when i have money!

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General Reed
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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 20:47 Edited at: 17th Dec 2007 20:51
Quote: "I run a 8600GTS OC with 256 MB GDDR3 and can run this and Crysis at full speed with no problem."

Either you have it on low quality(very), or your just plain simple lying, unless you call 5fps at full speed. I have a geforce BFG 8800 640Mb overclocked version, and it only runs at 25fps, on full quality at res 1024x1280

Quote: "Remember that the graphics card isn't the only thang in you're PC. "

Well for graphicly demanding games, yes its the main thing. I can prove this, as if i run crysis on absolubed lowest quality, i get about 70-80fps, so obvisouly the processor make less diffrence than the gfx card. In dx9 times you could argue that the particle effects and shadwos, which are now disabled, are being calculated on the processor, but the main advantage of dx10, is that is all calcualted on the graphics card - thus the 128 stream proccessors

CPU: AMD X2 6000+ 3.0ghz GFX: NVIDIA BFG Geforce 8800GTS 640MB OC-550mhz core RAM: 2048mb

chees hed
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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 20:53
you can believe me or not but i've heard people say that an 8400 GS or an 8500 GT will work aliright

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General Reed
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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 21:04
well soz, i dont

CPU: AMD X2 6000+ 3.0ghz GFX: NVIDIA BFG Geforce 8800GTS 640MB OC-550mhz core RAM: 2048mb

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