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FPS Creator X10 / Want a movie with a 8600 GT?

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 18:42 Edited at: 14th Dec 2007 18:44
I have make a little movie.
it are not my maps but include maps of fpsc x10..

Hope you like it.

[EDIT] It must by DJF not DDF

Can i script? Uhmm i think that i can script...
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 19:28 Edited at: 14th Dec 2007 19:31
Looks good man.

Seems like the 8600 will suffice for people and myself that don't have to fork out huge sums of cash for 8800. I think S4real and some others showed examples of 8600 in action. All in all the results look pretty good.

What are the system specs besides your geforce 8600 GT?

Also for anybody that's thinking about buying the 8500 and 8400, don't do it. Your just going to cheat yourself out of a good gameplay experience. I would'nt go under 8600. If all possible I'll just get the 8800, but it all depends on my budget.
Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 19:45 Edited at: 14th Dec 2007 19:49
geforce 8600 GT 265 mb

other specs:

2 GB ram
2.8 Ghz

need more ?

Can i script? Uhmm i think that i can script...
Tutelage Systems
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 00:11
I also have a 8600 (GTS though.) Runs great, the new nvidia drivers really speed it up.
chees hed
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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 19:27
i have over the recomended specs all i need is a 8600 GT

when the chicken crosses the road, he never comes back

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