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FPS Creator X10 / Waypoint problems

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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 19:24
Hey guys
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but my character simply does NOT want to follow a waypoint.
He's standing on a path, and he's neutral. His details pretty much all say "No Action" (which is what it says to do in the manual) and everything looks like he should be following the waypoint.
However, either he does nothing or he gets half way and stops.
Attatched is a screenshot with the view of the entity, the waypoint, the entity details and the waypoint para in the manual.



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Seth Black
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 19:38
...sorry to see that things really haven't been fixed in x10.

Have you tried the old x9 trick of tapping Page Up, to elevate the entity slightly?

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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 21:06
STILL NO LUCK - the best he does is go about half way then stop.

GRRRRRRrrrrrr........ PLEASE help?

Seth Black
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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 21:14
...don't own x10; never getting it.

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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 22:30 Edited at: 14th Dec 2007 22:31
I think it states you should only have at start condition so only use it in first block and then something else i think the start condition tells it to follow a waypoint, then it passes the active script on to something else which says NO action i.e. he does nothing. not sure but it sounds reasonable.

(Sorry for the spelling I wrote it real fast.) //Edit

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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 22:34
What do you mean? That I should put the waypoint in a different square than the entity?

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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 22:37
Shouldn't the character start by the start of the waypoint (the first star). I think that may be your problem.

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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 22:43
I originally tried that, he didn't move AT ALL.
The character now moves about half way and then stops completely still.


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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 23:04 Edited at: 14th Dec 2007 23:04
It's not confusing. Sounds like a bug! Maybe frustrating is more like it?

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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 23:33
Try this rig and see if the dude moves around. Did for me.

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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 23:42
Quote: "Try this rig and see if the dude moves around. Did for me."

Hmmmm... yes it does work, absolutely perfectly, thanks. I've copied all the details of the entity over to mine, and still no luck.

It could be a bug, but seeing as that rig worked I doubt it. No, I'm still very confused...

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Posted: 18th Dec 2007 18:50
OK, I've given up trying to fix this, over to you guys.
I've attatched the map, tell me if you get any luck!


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Greek freak
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Posted: 21st Dec 2007 20:58
I have a problem with waypoints too.

The problem is not if there isn't after-death-life. The problem is if there is no life in life!
fallen one
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Posted: 21st Dec 2007 21:17
So waypoints dont work then like in dx9, has this been fixed for DX10? Im curious to see if they have sorted this one out.

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