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FPS Creator X10 / Ok, I'll make the suggestion thread.

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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 23:13

With that said, here are my own suggestions for ModelPacks, mods, addons,community aid, etc. -- = want a lot. - = want.

-Some more industrial looking objects like big machines, conveyor belts, you get the idea.

-A crouch ability for enemies. I wanted them to take cover behind a tipped over table but they stood behind screaming: "Shoot me in the legs where I am covered."..... sort of.

--I suck at scripting so a script that makes the enemy die when they spawn to create corpses. "Oh and speaking of which I want the Model Pack one to function soon for the gibs... mmmmm, gibs."

-Glow effects. I want to put some lights into the water, but just static won't be fun I want them to glow in a spooky way.

--A hud overlay. Like you see everything red, fishy-eyed, or in nightvision. Sorta. An infetced version I think people would enjoy.

-An individual button, like "z", for throwing grenades. Noone changes to grenades. (Atleast, I don't.)

--2-square sized doors. Either as an entity or preferably as a segment.

-A big enemy boss thing.

I can't kill someone, I can only help them die.
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 00:22
Almost all of these things have been done for X9. I sure you can still use them...
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 00:34
Your post comes across as a "build me stuff for my game." In fact, it almost reads like "build my game." If all of that was made, what would you actually do besides put them in a level?

"I'm trying to find new ways to make this game more attractive." - Dennis Rodman
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 00:44
-Some more industrial looking objects like big machines, conveyor belts, you get the idea.


-A crouch ability for enemies. I wanted them to take cover behind a tipped over table but they stood behind screaming: "Shoot me in the legs where I am covered."..... sort of.


--I suck at scripting so a script that makes the enemy die when they spawn to create corpses. "Oh and speaking of which I want the Model Pack one to function soon for the gibs... mmmmm, gibs."

Well learn a bit as DB is not that hard.

-Glow effects. I want to put some lights into the water, but just static won't be fun I want them to glow in a spooky way.

You mean lighting. If done correctly they have a glowing effect.

--A hud overlay. Like you see everything red, fishy-eyed, or in nightvision. Sorta. An infetced version I think people would enjoy.

Can be done. If you set the lighting right you can get that effect. Also sure it can be scripted.

-An individual button, like "z", for throwing grenades. Noone changes to grenades. (Atleast, I don't.)

Hot keys are there

--2-square sized doors. Either as an entity or preferably as a segment.


-A big enemy boss thing.

Done and can be made.

Have you looked at the product at all. Most of these FPSX10 does already or a user can develop them. Not sure of your post.

Uthink said it right.


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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 14:09 Edited at: 15th Dec 2007 14:10
The whole point of this threaad was for eveyone to pt waaht they wanted in here but it seems it's more of what I want, you're right. My fault.
Ill clarify what I meant anyway.

-Industrial things not like some building bits but large stuff that seams together (tried to but failed).

-Yeah I know they can crouch but they never do it at the right times. The crouch in open combat sometimes but never when they take cover behind something low.

-I tried scripting it but found it in the forum. I accidentaly must've spelled wrong in the first search. Oops...

-How do you puzzle the lightning to glow. They have a flicker script in there but it doesn't seem to wotk always.

-Yeah I got an idea later yesterday night to turn on a lot of red lights all over the place.

- For the grenades I meant click a button and he throws it and then changes back to his normal weapon. You can hotkey switch to grenade ut you have tomanually throw it. Not a big issue though.

-I have no idea how to make or find them, I tried to rig a wall to open but it didn't do it very well.

-Yeah, but I got the idea to scale up an enemy. You have to open it in a program and then enlarge and save as something new right.

I can't kill someone, I can only help them die.

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