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FPS Creator X10 / Problem with custom media in x10?!?

Cheese Cake
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 11:03 Edited at: 15th Dec 2007 11:06
Okey, i have made some stuff for x10....(landscape's)
and i really hoped that it would work. didnt.

It appears in the Editor screen....
But not ingame, while i have collision with the entity itself
its totally invisible.
Doesnt matter if i save it as a segment or as a entity...
both have the same problem.
I tried to change the texture to a TGA, and than again to a DDS.
Nothing worked.

Also in the Editor window...the model itself shows up...but
the texture is all white...

I dont know what the problem is...and i really like to know
how i can fix this...
If someone can help me out, than i cant thank you enough!

Also applied: Ingame you can see...
i am above the water...and i am not falling.
So the collision works...but now the texture/invisible.

Oh by the way...i had FPSC x10 for a few days...
And i must say, its really fun to play with!
But this custom media problem etc...well...hope it can be fixed.

And...instead of making several threads...
I have made some segments...with a normal and specular map...
But somehow it turns up all black...the normal map is working...
but the texture is all screwed up.
Dont know if it is possible to create different segments with
normal maps working...but i really hope so.


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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 11:44
I really don't know how to help, since I'm waiting for my copy of FPSC X10 to arrive.

But I hope this gets solved too, because I want to make hi poly media for it.

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 11:56
i dont have problems with my media..
I have copy it from fpsc to fpsc x10.

Can i script? Uhmm i think that i can script...
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 12:04
My media works fine to.

Cheese Cake
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 12:06

Well the problem is only with the landscape model...
I have some other scenery which works fine...
But i dont understand why the other scenery works and this one doesnt.

I even have characters whick works good in x10...even better in x9.
Oh by the way i had to say Berserker was a bit of a high-polycount in FPSC x9...
But it works great in X10!

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 12:09 Edited at: 15th Dec 2007 12:10
Now i have problems too with my models.

its disaper for 50 %

Can i script? Uhmm i think that i can script...


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Cheese Cake
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 12:11
Is it actually even possible to use the old Entity Creator?

I mean, is it compatible for x10?

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 12:13
Cheese cake, when you go on msn.
i am online now.
Than we can talk dutch,and fast.

Can i script? Uhmm i think that i can script...
Cheese Cake
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 12:15
Sorry man...but i have to leave in a few minutes...
so wouldnt be possible...

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 12:15
ok than i seey you another time.

Can i script? Uhmm i think that i can script...
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 14:33
I'm updating my alien pack to FPSC X10, giving it nicer textures, hope it works when it arrives.

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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 16:08
CheeseCake : I look at the model for ya if you want there a few things that happen with x10 why its not working.

Best s4

Lightning Bolt Studios
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 18:26 Edited at: 15th Dec 2007 18:32
Cheescake, I found that models that are using a mirror image UV Map meaning both sides of the model are using the same space on your UV map work fine as long as they are stacked on top of each other. This didn't matter in X9 but it does in X10.
If the models UV’s are not stacked on top of each other you will only see half of your model or half of your model will be have texture and the other half will be white, and using .dds image files work best. Also like bond1 said in another thread make sure you size your models to the proper size in your modeling program be fore you export.

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 20:43
Right on man, a SHARK!

I knew it wouldn't be anytime at all before we started seeing sea creatures.

That looks nice Chupa cabra.

Don't forget to visit Conjured Entertainment

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 21:40
Yeah fixed dissapear media...
Its now 1 coler media and there is nothing when it is static.

Do enyone know when a entity maker for x10 come out?

Can i script? Uhmm i think that i can script...
Cheese Cake
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 23:46
Thanks man!

Chupa cabra.
Thanks for the explenation!....
will try it out!

Quote: "Do enyone know when a entity maker for x10 come out?"

Yeah that would be better....
Also a segment editor...for X10...
Cause it seems when i create my own with the old one...
the normal maps dont work.

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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 23:51
I wouldn't expect any utilities from TGC. They never really finished the segment maker for the x9 version of FPSC. And now that people have created apps like Signs, and MagicFPS, they'll probably just let the community do something. Which is a shame because it takes these independent developers years for their product to evolve into something full-featured.

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Cheese Cake
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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 00:41 Edited at: 16th Dec 2007 00:42
Okey problem fixed!
thanks s4real for taking some time to help!

For people that wondered what landscape it was....well here!
(isnt the best, just wanted to make a quick test for X10)

Normal shot...of landscape with some rocks...

And my great shot of a "not overused bloom landscape screenie".
(just needed to do this )


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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 00:59
Quote: "Okey problem fixed!"

So what was the problem?

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Cheese Cake
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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 13:46

I was used to put the "_D2" behind every texture's name...
i always did this for X9.

But X10 reacts differently...
once you have put a "_D, D2" in the textures name,
than you would have to put a normal map and specular map with it.
(but i wouldnt recommend to apply normal maps on every entity)

So s4real changed the textures name...
And also explained that...dont know if you know the DBO's?
Well in had to delete these if you made a change to the FPE...
X10 still makes them once you have put the entity in a level...
But this time...if you delete them, you would have to copy the files to different map...
Cause it still uses the DBO if you leave it in the same map...
(sorry not the best in explaining)

Lightning Bolt Studios
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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 17:27
Cheesecake I would have mentioned that above in my other post about the texture names being changed but thought you already noticed that looking inside X10's folder structure. just so everyone knows your model textures are names like this

The X's stand for your texture name.
_D is your Diffused texture map for your model.
_N is your models Normals texture map for your model.
_S is for your models Specular map for your model.
Cheese Cake
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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 18:21
Chupa cabra.
Yeah i didnt really looked in the FPSC folder...
But i looked at some entities....
they used _D, _D2, _N, _S..and sometimes they used I etc etc..

But thanks for helping!

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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 20:14
I hope NickyDude comes back soon and does a guide for x10. This stuff should be in there.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 23:42
Those are nice landscapes....
Are you going to release them? I sure could use them

Cheese Cake
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Posted: 16th Dec 2007 23:46
yep....i will release them!

Only the shadows dont look that good....
in entity or segment...both are the same.

The one in the screeny was just for test...
I'll make some more, with grass, more rocks, caves, more meshes that could be used for a river or lake...etc etc..

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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 03:20
I have a model of a robot that I am trying to import so far I did what you said about changing the names of the skins and deleting the DBO file and then moving the files to another folder.

It almost worked ok the model does show up now during test level
but during the test level the skins look like stripes on my model the skin is not set right on the body of the model.

Can anyone tell me how to fix the skins so that they show up right
on the model.

Kenneth J. Williams


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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 03:31 Edited at: 17th Dec 2007 04:02
Here is another shot of the robot in the map editor with the skin showing.

After I get the skin working in the game I will try to do a second model with a higher rez skin maybe 1024x1024 instead of 256x256.

Kenneth J. Williams


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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 05:13 Edited at: 17th Dec 2007 16:59
I got it working now. Used Magic FPS 2.

Kenneth J. Williams

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