Decals that show fog and mist, now Im not sure how to make that looping.
But id love a pack like this, I could put it in a level and have mist risng from the ground, it would be awsome. great loads of fog swarnimg about.
Touture equipment pack would be great, or just scary nasty stuff like what one would find in the hell world in those Hellraiser films.
Gothic horror items sticking out of the ground, banners, standards, gothic monster faces to stick on walls, occult symbols to stick on posts or on the walls. statues, gothic archways,they come in two parts, the posts, and the top part, the arch, place posts on ground level, then place the arch on second level, so one can mix and match the archways with different posts and arches, making different ones plus one can alter the height using this method. Entities that stick on the top of walls or on walls, like spikes blades, barbed wire etc. Grill sections, so one can make pits and levels below, but one has grills one can place over the pits or lower level, one could even make stuff to put below under the grid area in the level under, so the grids are a segment if you like, do lots of nice gothic ones. General nasties to put on walls, stuff that looks like traps, like rotar blades or cutting machines, general nasy contraptions on the floor or stood as machines, we are not sure what it does but it looks nasty, one could build a creepyy factory with them, what do they make or process, one doesnt like to think, you could make a whole pack just out of that one.
Horror packs have lots and lots of ideas you could do, a lot of scope, you could get a lot of packs out just under horror.