lol Ermes they i don't remember modems being available nor ISPs for homes users prior to '88, but that might just be in the UK i don't know. first ISP was CompuSERVE (anyone remember them?) you had a whoppinly fast 9600 (slower than fax lol) internet speed which this page along would've probably taken the better half of an hour just to load up (you think i'm joking lol), i'd used it primarily to talk to people about the upcomming Elite2 and something called HTML 2.0 which was suppose to revolutionise the entire Internet.
And when i finally upgraded to Windows 3.1 i got to see what it was all about
just image what excitment it would've been for you to log onto the internet see a little peice of text say "Loading" and a picture of the CompuServe logo appear before you very eye
Ofcourse after that you had to upgrade to a 28.8 modem cause you needed the fasted to see all of the pictures on the websites, that still mainly use basic text
I know it doesn't seem like it but those crap educational sites you see with nothing bar text and a one or two images now - but when for the past 2years you'd been using a DOS based bulletin board which was essentially
user:ShadowRobert date:08-11-89
hey guys
user:jacobs date:08-12-89
hey robert
user:ShaderRobert date:08-12-89
see the new screenshot for lotus in pcf?
user:jacobs date:08-13-89
user:stan date:08-13-89
(well you get the idea lol)
to an actual picture backgroud
hehee seems exciting
I pride myself that i don't kill...
well not without a good reason