I am wondering if anyone here (Who is familiar with C++) is interested in beta testing my game development engine. It's mainly geared towards development of games, but further features include a Windows based GUI, Console support (For debugging and such), multiple 3D windows, and various other functionality not generally specific to games.
Programs created with it do not require Direct3D 9.0c or 10. You can optionally use the 3D command set. Direct3D 9.0c is the default renderer, and the only one required to be considered "1.0". However, OpenGL and Direct3D 10 are planned (OpenGL will likely come first). Though, as a note it might only be Direct3D for a while.
The GUI portion is controlled by WinGui. In fact, the new version of WinGui is being worked on as part of the Twilight Engine, and will be ported from there. You'll even be able to use callbacks! An advanced function in GUIs which allows you to specify a function to be called upon a specific event happening in the GUI, such as the window moving or getting resized, or the window getting closed, etc.
Here's a thread explaining its progress.
Note: This is NOT spam (Though I may have overdone it a bit with explaining what it is). I am simply asking if someone would be interested in it. The full version will likely cost between $20 and $50 USD. Beta testers will of course get it for free.
Note: I believe I used to have beta testers for the project, but they've long gone away. Also, whenever I work on the Twilight Engine's Gui, I'm also working on WinGUI. How's that for killing two birds with one stone, eh?
If you're interested, post in this thread saying so, or in the thread shown above. I'll email you back.
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