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FPS Creator X10 / Saving Effects Set in Test Game Mode to a Built Game

David H
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Joined: 15th Aug 2006
Location: Niagara Falls, Canada
Posted: 18th Dec 2007 07:08
I'm sure I missed this somewhere, but how does one save the effects settings set in test game mode (e.g. water level, fog level etc.) to a final built game? I want my final built game to use the same effects settings I've set in test game mode. Thanks.
David H
Years of Service
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Joined: 15th Aug 2006
Location: Niagara Falls, Canada
Posted: 20th Dec 2007 22:39
I figured out the issue, mostly.

My setuplevel.fpi had defaults sets for the ambience and fog etc. Commenting out those defaults (i.e. changing the : to a solved the problem.

Still, I have no idea where the settings for ambience and fog are stored in built games however.

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