i recently got a game called Outcast (1999) This game used voxel technology to render things. I am familiar with how voxels work, If i am not wrong voxels are 2 dimensional pixels that in groups can make a 3d image image. I also looked up a couple of voxel engines and looked at the demos which proved to be pretty amazing.
The game Outcast has pretty incredible 3d detail on its terrain for its time I took a few sreenshots.
So, voxels can make very good looking imagery without straining the cpu. If the voxel method could be perfected, i think it can have great results in games that use them.
Does anyone know exactly how voxels work? I tried Observing things in the game and demo programs, but its too mind boggling.
and i had one more crazy idea that i am guessing will not work (and who am i to propose this idea without any knowledge of voxels?)
Can voxes be implemented into dark basic?
dont hate people who rip you off,cheat and get away with it, learn from them