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FPS Creator X10 / Go Attack Command and Enemy Patrols

David H
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Posted: 20th Dec 2007 23:06
Two questions:

1. When I tell an ally to go attack (G), they return to their spawn location. How is the attack command supposed to work?

2. My enemies are not patroling when the game starts, even though I have set their \"At Start\" property to \"Patrol Area\".

If anybody can help with the above questions, it would certainly be appreciated.
Fruitless CRUNK
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Posted: 21st Dec 2007 05:19 Edited at: 21st Dec 2007 05:21
When you press G, you're allys are looking for somethang to shoot. So if there isn't anythang for them to shoot they will go to the spawn point.

Now with the enemies patroling, I don't know. I have the same problem, but I just put some waypoints for them to follow.
Maby TGC just put that there to get you're hopes up. =(
FPSCX10 didn't turn out what everyone wanted it to be.

If you can't win, cheat. If you can't cheat, quite.
chees hed
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Posted: 21st Dec 2007 14:33
a few more months of fixing bugs and fpsc x10 would have been perfect

when the chicken crosses the road, he never comes back
Cheese Cake
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Posted: 21st Dec 2007 14:41
When you place an enemy...that will be his spawn point.

If you press F to follow...they will follow you...
(like everyone knows)
If you press H...while they are following you...
That will be their new "spawn" point...
H = Home...they will stand still if you press this.

So G will be the attack behaviour...

Just press F...And when near enemies..
(they will attack them once seen, or at least they do this on my pc)
You can press G...this will make them aggresive...
so they attack everything thats a enemy.

But i never had this "bug"....they always attacked enemies
when i pressed G.

Tutelage Systems
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Posted: 21st Dec 2007 18:06
Quote: "a few more months of fixing bugs and fpsc x10 would have been perfect"

Quite a funny post, as I remembered that everyone was on their case and telling them to release it
I believe the pushed it back more than once.

David H, do you have a map that you could zip up for the rest of us to see whats going on?
chees hed
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2007 02:45
the cutscene problem is the only issue with me.

when the chicken crosses the road, he never comes back

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