haha and Benjamin, my spam box is full of things to get people in the mood.
Quote: "(not really about religion anymore, is it?)"
Depends on who you are - for us it's just an end of year tradition where the family get together, stuff ourselves with food, enjoy family time, have a good mood on and buy each other presents. As a non-Christian I find it difficult to partake in the religious side of it.
My Nan however participates in the Church events and worships Christ on the day. And no doubt she pours herself plenty of wine too if I know her right (she has a duty as an Irish lady)
As for naming Christmas...Why rename it? Why make it politically correct? I think the name is fine the way as it is - just because it has the word 'Christ' in it shouldn't be a problem. It's the name of the tradition. Getting overly PC will just ruin it and encourage people to be more pedantic. It's called Christmas because that's where the word derives from - the word 'Easter' derives from the German Goddess who also derived from the Mesopotamian pagan Goddess 'Ishtar' the goddess of love, war and procreation.
So a very Merry Christmas, or Jedimas just for the sake of Jedi just being such a wicked idea for a religion.
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