Every year on my birthday my mom gives me cash to buy games with, and since my early youth I've trudged out to get a new bit of entertaining software. This year I only wanted to get one game, and there were only a small handful of contenders: Orange Box, Battlefield 2, or the last two Sims expansions that I don't have yet. Being a huge fan of BF42 and BFV, and after being told for a while how much I'd love BF2 if I gave it a chance, I decided to get that. Easier said than done!
So I went to Circuit City to buy the game: sold out. Target? Sold out. I didn't feel like driving clear across the city in Holiday traffic, so I decided to simply drive home and buy it off of Amazon. And since it was extremely cheap, I picked up a copy of Black & White for my girlfriend, in an attempt to ween her off of her World of Warcraft addiction. Shy of casino games, I've never been known for having good luck, so here's another classic gem with Matt getting the bad end of a situation, lol.
The order was placed on the night of the 17th, with two-day shipping. Because it was late and the holidays were in full effect, it was scheduled to arrive on the 20th via UPS. B&W was shipped regular ground through the USPS, and was scheduled to arrive between the 24th and 28th. So on the 20th, I wait around all day for the UPS truck, and finally it shows up at around 5pm. The guy is sitting in his truck staring at the apartment building, never actually stepping out of said truck, so I put my jacket on and head outside. By the time I reach the building's front door, he'd driven off! Furious, I called UPS and they claimed the package wasn't labeled with an apartment number. I gave them the address and they said it would arrive the next day. Well, the next day the UPS truck didn't even drive passed my house. I looked it up online, and it claimed they *did* try to deliver it, so I called again, saying "your driver never even came down my street, I want this package delivered inside the hour, right now, I paid for two-day shipping and I expect to get that." They said their drivers were all busy, so I'd have to come in and pick it up myself! WTH! So the next day on Saturday we headed out to get the package. Guess what's sitting in our mail box? Black & White, shipped through the US Postal Service, arrived several days EARLY, and on a Saturday!
If you think my adventure is done there, you're wrong, lol. So I get the game home after driving out to UPS to pick it up. My video card royally sucks... an ATI 9200 with 128MB RAM. But the system specifications clearly state that BF2 should run on an ATI 8500+ with 128MB, so I figured I was in the clear. I install the game, run it, and... black screen. The game didn't like my card! So after several hours of toying with my video settings, checking drivers, and all that, I finally tried changing my AGP setting from 8x to 4x... presto, game runs fine now, without a hint of video lag, and most of my settings are at medium as well.
Knowing someone might search the net and find this thread: right-click the "ATI" logo in your system tray, then click "Settings," then click "ATI Display Settings." From there, click SMARTGART(TM) and then slide the "Set AGP Speed" thing down to 4x... presto, working game.
So yeah, getting BF2 was a headache and a half lol. I have the worst luck
. But the game works and I can finally play it, which is good. Anyway, just thought I'd share that with everyone. It's the holidays so I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to vent about bad shipping practices. This is why I always ship stuff through Fed Ex, I've never once had a problem with them... UPS is aweful.
A quick note, I've officially retired my signature image. Slappy the Pwnage Penguin will slap no more. If I saw that penguin get hit one more time my head was going to explode