Well, I've finally found a way to fulfill that ol' noobs cliche about "giving back to the community."
I brought the Segment Editor outta the deep depths of my hard-drive today and thought,"hey, why don't i try make some CSG-Cutouts, 'cos I can manage them!"
Well, I'm already starting work on the pack, guess i should put a WIP up soon,(Don't worry FredP, this one
will have FPSC Screenies).Well, to cut to the chase, I decided to give away my practice CSG, nothing much, just a rectangular hole, It's in the Download and has an installer to make sure everything works fine.
Don't Worry, the pack will be much better than this and also it will be free!
Thanks to X-games for his window-making tut, Nickydude for having it in his guide and Underside,(i think) for the FPSC Core Pack 1 segment used in screenie.