Nice looking velociraptor. Unfortunately, it's in
.smd, which is
Half Life's file format.
Distributing this model will not be allowed on these boards, so don't try. Due to the sensitivity surrounding copyright issues, you would be banned if you do.
For your personal use only:
EXPORT/DIRECTX(JT) will allow you to export it into
.x format.
It'll need a brand new .fpe file. Once that's in place, there are more than a couple of good scripts that would work well for you.
Seth Black
Quote: " second raptor that i forgot to mention..."
Quote: " decapatated model of the second velociraptor..." it
I'd be careful about how you word things. There are some on these boards who will tee-off on these technicalities.
Widow 13 - Coming Spring 2008