Just a heads up to anyone using eBay/paypal.
I just got an E-mail looks like genuine paypal service message and it has an order on it that I didn't make. In my case a PDA Hand held purchase from the USA.
Now the social engineering moment... Your brain goes "Arrruuuga! I didn't order this! I better tell PayPal fast!" but if you click on the paypal button at the bottom you will be directed to a spoof site that looks like the real PayPal but records you username and password so they can use your account later.
Luckly, my other half was too busy giving me an ear bashing over "what have you ordered now!" to click on it or she would have fallen for it.
my poor ear!
DinoHunter (still no nVidia compo voucher!), CPU/GPU Benchmark, DarkFish Encryption DLL, War MMOG (WIP), 3D Model Viewer