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2D All the way! / How would one learn...?

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2003 03:24
How would someone learn how to make graphics in this kind of style. By the way Im looking at from the basics, I have pretty much no graphics experience at all.

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2003 03:32 Edited at: 23rd Jun 2003 03:33
I would also like to know.

edit: lemme see if I can find any good tutorials
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2003 04:09
THe prolly sketched it and scanned it, opened it up in photoshop and colored/shaded it. It's VERY difficult unless you're wiling to REALLY work at it.

It's better to be pissed off than pissed on, eh?

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2003 08:42
I was looking around some more, and does anyone know much about poser? Is it strictly limited to 3D characters or can you use to to make characters similar to the picture above?

Disco Stu
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2003 12:22
Well you COULD use Poser for something like this, but that defeats the purpose for such an image somewhat. The person that did that image drew it completely on their pc using a tablet mouse (mouse that looks and acts like a pen). Probably using programs like Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro or Paint or Illustrator (pick any, they'll all do).

If you have access to a table mouse, and have image editing software, then there are some good tutorials at, click the free stuff button and then go to tutorials and there will be some there.

Hope that helped,

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Disco Stu
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2003 12:23
Ooops, by Paint I meant Painter
Sorry about that,

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2003 17:24
Poser is a waste of your time, its basically using someone elses work... that picture appears to me more like they said, someone sketched the face and scene, and scanned it as a lineart drawing..
then in photoshop, you would convert it to greyscale, then to RGB color. paint/fill it.. and shade(best way is to make your paintbrush set to DARKEN, and it is rather easy to get results like that.

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2003 20:22
most of the art you will find in the capacity of this image is some form of airbrush be it real or digital.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2003 21:56
Probably pencil on paper, then airbrush (real or digital). You don't have to have a tablet to do the colouring, but the hair is very precise and looks like it has been dragged using a tablet with a pointy brush. Lots of transparent overlays all over. It's a nice picture.

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Posted: 24th Jun 2003 02:29
Sketched + scanned + lots of layers and masks + loads of Dodge and Burning.

In fact this is a pretty simple picture to do once you know how

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Posted: 24th Jun 2003 04:32
Any tutorials/links, I'm still in search of a good one that will help us all a little.
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Posted: 24th Jun 2003 07:58
*sigh* This image is VERY complex, and is even more complex then the current Digital animation movies. Good luck trying to make something ilke that . No litterally, good luck.

Learn how to use Anim8or, or how to draw basic sketches in Photoshop if you have no scanner. It takes lots of work, and sometimes you just gotta experiment until you find a method that works.

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Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 24th Jun 2003 12:57
Anim8or? That would produce a sharp, obvious model render, with little hair detail. I suppose it could be used for a foundation image, and to get the lighting right. The picture isn't as difficult to draw as it looks, mainly because it is a close up, and you dont have to worry about getting the body dimensions, and clothing right. The nose has a little error on the nostrils.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 03:39
Yes, Pincho. I believe a 3D modeler would be nice to smooth down all the edges if you have a bad hand in drawing. I believe you can import image files into Anim8or and smooth it out and what not. (this IS possible in 3DS Max for sure.)

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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 04:08
You can do it with truespace 3.2 I believe.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 04:36
theres no 3d in that image you silly peeps.

Its a composition of possibly 2 images and a lot of airbrush techniques.

Dodge and burn perhaps but take a hard look at the style of the face, I bet its a filtered down image from a photo.

anim8or my ass indeedly dobbably

lol some of you worry me with your aptitudes.

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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 06:56
RE:"How would someone learn how to make graphics in this kind of style."

Learning to draw beautiful women is the hardest thing a guy can attempt to do.

First thing you can do is start out with easier things and practice EVERY day. You must draw, draw, draw. Then get a book that has some examples in the style of women you want to draw and then again practice EVERY DAY.

Once you start to get good at it, get a graphics tablet. i like Wacom. It's pressure sensitive and really works well. I have both the regular and the airbrush stylus.

This is not am impossible task is you practice every day even for 15 min. You dedication will pay off, but only if you have the heart to see it out.

Best of luck.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 14:13
I wasn't necessarily talking about drawing beautiful women lol , but drawing in that sort of cartoony / cg style. Anywas what are some good books for learning how to draw, etc. And how to take those drawings and make similar looking cg art with what you've drawn? Thanks.

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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 17:06
Here is a list of books I thought you might find useful. Also you want to learn to draw fast! Give me your email address and I will send you a girl pic I drew in 20 min.

The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation - Frank
Thomas, Ollie Johnston, Cllie Johnston

Drawing - The head and figure - Jack Hamm

How to draw the Marvel Way

Drawing Cutting Edge Comics Christopher Heart

How to Draw those Bodacious Babes of comics Frank McLaughlin & Mike Gold

Dynamic Figure Drawing - Hogarth

How to draw Anime & game Characters V1-3

Techniques for Drawing Femae Manga Characters
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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 18:24
so when making pictures like that you sketch it and scan it in the computer and just use the art program techniques right but for stuff like that dont you need like an expansive adobe photoshop program?

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 18:45
Do you need an expensive Photoshop..No. Nearly all art packages can do this sort of thing. PSP7, or Corel Draw 8 onwards can both do this, I'm not familiar with the prices of all the packages, but really what you need is layers, airbrushes, maybe Dodge/Burn but I never use them, but transparency is extremely important.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 19:17 Edited at: 25th Jun 2003 19:21
There is a huge following especially for game makers with Paint Shop Pro. V8 lists for $100.

Also for Free is Gimp. Gimp is very Photoshop like and the price is FREE! I have not tried it but it looks nice and does have soem bugs.

I highly recommend getting a wacom tablet to do any 2d art on the PC. You will not be disappointed.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 21:27
Here's an airbrushing tut I made a while ago for use with Paintshop pro 7 ( you can use the same technique for PS ) Ths was made using just the mouse.;action=display;threadid=6132;start=20

And talking of beautiful woman ..... here's one I posted here at Christmas

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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 23:44 Edited at: 25th Jun 2003 23:47
LOL! Your all wrong on that picture!!
Thats so funny...Im really tickled over some of the stuff you said.

I know the artist who did it you see, and it was done on an Amiga computer using a mixture of DPaint and PhotonPaint.
All by hand. ^_^

Oh and by the way Vandetta, I do hope you did not add the names/credits to that picture..... You dont want to get done for ripping someones artwork off now do you. ^_~

I will see if he can come on to this forum and post some of his other work for you all and maybe a small tutorial or too on how to do it.

Ta ta for now

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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 23:51
Hey Simple...

I just thought I would say that I REALLY like your tutorials.
Great stuff.


Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 26th Jun 2003 00:17
Hmmm that's a very high res for an Amiga piccy, It would cover 2 and a half screens of the Amiga Monitor. Average res on Amiga 320*256.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2003 00:58

The Amiga could do 4096 by 4096 colours on a High Res screen which was interlaced. Trust me on this ^_~

Ta ta for now

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Posted: 26th Jun 2003 01:15
Angeleyed, I didnt rip it off anything, its a direct link to Simple, how do you do your art... for example your picture link to simple-designs. Do you draw it first then fill it in with photoshop?

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 26th Jun 2003 01:20 Edited at: 26th Jun 2003 01:29
Well this is the closest res I could find with enough colours.

High Res Laced...... Res=640 x 512 ......colours = 4,096

You could of course have the screen on a scrolling backdrop.

That is an amazing picture for DPaint and PhotonPaint.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2003 02:10
Vandetta ..... Yes ! sketched first, then airbrushed using Photoshop. Same techniques as whats used in my tut links posted above ( only using PS instead of PSP )

Select a section and paint it bit-by-bit. The Christmas pic link was made using Painshop pro 7, and only with a mouse... where as the "Ripping Ravens head off" pic was made using Photoshop and I used a TAB . same goes for the rest of my website buttons and design.

Here's a link to the full size pic ( page 6 of the 2D forums here ) think this thread got locked in the end !!

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Posted: 27th Jun 2003 21:50
Thanks everyone I really appreciate the help. Guyon, my email is I wonder how much spam Im going to get now for posting that

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Posted: 27th Jun 2003 22:36
I'm gonna MAke a Topic Called:Feel Free To Post Ur Game.....So pleaaaaaaaase Past Ur Games There......Kyo Rocks

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