Here is a screen shot of the GUI for the program that I just finished.
The program (ceSky.exe) is a stand alone executable file written in DarkBASIC Professional.
This tool is used to create skybank folders for use with FPS Creator.
Here is the
Download ZIP = ceSky.exe + ceSky_READ_ME.txt
Here is the License ... (REVISED)
*** License ***
The Program:
ceSky is free of charge for personal or commercial use.
The Source Code:
The fee for the source code is only ten dollars. ( $10 US currency )
The source code fee also grants you permission to modify and redistribute the source code.
You do not have permission to modify or redistribute the source code unless you pay the fee.
Here is the READ ME file that is included in the zip...
*** ***
*** Brian Woodward ***
*** DBA ***
*** Conjured Entertainment ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** File Name: ceSky.exe ***
*** Created: January 4, 2008 ***
*** Version: 1.0 ***
*** *************************
*** ***
*** Programming Language: DarkBASIC Professional ***
*** Output Compatibility: FPS Creator version 1.xx ***
*** ***
*** Overview ***
ceSky.exe is a simple utility that allows its user to import 6 images, which are used to create a sky in a virtual world.
These imported images can be any one of the following formats: BMP, DDS, DIB, JPG, PNG, or TGA.
The program outputs a skybox model as an X file, and the user's textures as DDS files, all in one folder.
The new folder, X file, and textures all share the same three digit name that the user entered.
*** Installation ***
ceSky is a stand alone executable file, so it has all of the media necessary to run already built in.
That means ceSky is very portable. Another thing that makes ceSky portable is it size, less than 10mb.
So, simply place the ceSky.exe file, or a copy of it, in any folder you wish. (with your sky images is best)
*** Usage ***
ceSky has a straight forward layout and approach. Instructions appear near the top left of the window.
Below is a list of the Keyboard Actions...
Escape = Exit the program
F9 = Minimize the window
U = Load the UP image
B = Load the BACK image
D = Load the DOWN image
F = Load the FRONT image
L = Load the LEFT image
R = Load the RIGHT image
Space Bar = Continue
Up Arrow Key = Scroll Up through Color Options
Down Arrow Key = Scroll Down through Color Options
Left Mouse Click = Preview the current skybox
Right Mouse Click = Export the current skybox
Loading the images consists of the user typing in the path for the file of the image to be imported.
These imported images can be any one of the following formats: BMP, DDS, DIB, JPG, PNG, or TGA.
Loading a corrupted file, or a file in any other format, will cause the program to crash (Image files only!).
If the ceSky.exe is placed in the same folder as the images, then a simple file name will suffice for the path.
Otherwise, a full path including the drive letter and folders or sub folders will need to be entered when loading.
Saving a skybox is as simple as entering a three digit file name (DO NOT use special characters !).
Only letters and numbers are allowed for naming exported skyboxes. Special characters, or spaces, will cause a crash!
All exported skyboxes will be saved in the conjured folder on your c: drive. This assures easy navigation to your work.
If you do not already have a conjured folder on your hard drive, then one will be created the first time you use ceSky.
This default location is a universal approach as you can copy/paste each skybox folder to the engine of your choice.
*** License ***
The Program:
ceSky is free of charge for personal or commercial use.
The Source Code:
The fee for the source code is only ten dollars. ( $10 US currency )
The source code fee also grants you permission to modify and redistribute the source code.
You do not have permission to modify or redistribute the source code unless you pay the fee.
*** Disclaimer ***
The program is being delivered "AS IS". There is no warranty expressed or implied.
Conjured Entertainment is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of using this program.
If you do not agree with these terms, then do not use the software.
Brian Woodward
Conjured Entertainment