No kidding. I started with DBC, moved to DBP after a couple of years, and I've made some small games and a large variety of little programs demonstrating different little things. Before DBC, I'd used Gamemaker.
Now, I've spend a lot of time in these languages (I do mean years, not two months. I'm not that noob
) and I'm starting to look for something new. Basically, DB isn't a true programming language - it's more like a scripting language, or a game engine. I've dabbled in various languages, high and low level: Python, C++, C, and PASCAL.
Now, I don't intend to stop using darkbasic, but I need to try something more flexible. I've gone into all of these languages and fooled around enough to learn the syntax. I'm currently messing with C++, and considering trying to move into it with the help of the Dark GDK.
I'd like to ask those out there who know other languages: Which language would be best to learn next? (Ideally, but not necessarily, one of those I mentioned above) What are some tricks for continuing into the new language without boring myself? Sadly, the 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-Liftoff programs aren't much fun to write or watch execute because they aren't challenging to program, even just learning the sytax, and do nothing useful. Yet, with languages like C++ and C, you can't jump into more advanced stuff right away due to the boggling complexity of the language. How should I move forward? I may try using the Dark GDK, but I want to move on to OpenGL / DirectX API programming in the distant future. Should I start with a book, or tutorials online, or what? Just seeking advice.
Thanks, and cheers,
"Variables won't, constants aren't."