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2D All the way! / 2d rpg questions

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Joined: 20th Jun 2003
Posted: 25th Jun 2003 08:54
Hello this is my first game.. I have done many tutorials and even some programing in visual basic.
1. is it significantly easier to make a 2d game instead of a 3d
2. If 2d i want to make and rpg like zelda or the ultima's "With better grpahics" What can i use to make the maps and sprites.
3. Is there a pre-made engine for this.. also is there any other advice

Thanks for you time

Tycho Brahe

My questions in the past were crap im sorry
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Posted: 25th Jun 2003 09:27 Edited at: 25th Jun 2003 09:29
Ok. First i welkome you to the forum. Second i'm going to anwser your q.

1.Well you have to dicide that. 3D in Darkbasic is not that hard. Just play around whit the commands. (Look at the help file)
2.Graphics. To have great graphics you need a program that suit your case. I like Photoshop much. And you could do it in photoshop. But the best bet is that you buy a tablet (drawing tablet a pen is your mouse and you can draw whit it) But then you need some drawing skills. Else you could go on a shearch on the net. You will find what you need but you have to give the drawer credits(Sometimes not but there are not many, can't give you an exaple thought) Good luck whit this.
3. An engine yeah RPG MAKER 2000. (this is NOT made in or for Darkbasic) When you want to make a game (well i do it for fun) Then you need to find a challenge in your game. Make an engine yourself that is a challenge. Fight for it.

Hope it helps.
And good luck whit your games.

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Posted: 7th Jul 2003 09:25
very good questions.

allthough i am not one of the -what you would call- real computer programmer guys.
as redostryke here who will number out the answers like that. i think i can help you.

i'd like to see a game like ultima but with a faster realtime loop, more like the fast pace of zelda.

Do or do not, there is no try. -Yoda
Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 7th Jul 2003 16:44
2D or 3D are about the same difficulty....

If 2D then you will need a Map Maker for the background tiles. There are lots of ways to make the animated figures. I prefer Anim8or which is free, and will do most of the work for you. If you are not good at graphics you could try Poser which is really easy to use, and has ready made people to use, you could just change the faces. You could even try drawing your graphics on paper, going round the outlines with black felt pen, and scanning in your images. You will need a 2D Art package whatever you decide to do. Choose from

Corel Draw 8,9,or 10
Paint Shop Pro 7
Photoshop 7

Some people have started using Realdraw but I don't know much about it.

Good luck with your first DB project.


Engines are usually 3D..I'm not sure how many DB ones are around, but I know that a lot of people started them, but did they finish them?
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Posted: 8th Jul 2003 23:34
im just startin to make a 2d game, and yah, guess what im usin: MS PAINT. take that photoshop, paint owns u! yah right i wish, i cant afford any real

Sup Kids
Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 9th Jul 2003 01:53
Corel Draw 8 is about 10 years old, surely it must be very cheap by now. It's great! Some people don't seem to like it, but it is better than PSP7. I know because I have both.
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Posted: 9th Jul 2003 06:22 Edited at: 9th Jul 2003 06:23
I made a Ultima IV remake that's a combo between 2D and 3D. Those that remember the game know what I mean.

I think making any RPG is pretty hard and requires quite a bit of programing skill. Other games I made have been much easier.

I cannot say 2D is harder than 3D or visa versa...

If you need any source let me know

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