Hello everyone,
I know alot of people here have websites' for their games, or their "studios"
I know I run one for mine:
I'm spending this week improving traffic to my website,
so I'm looking to do some link exchanges with TGC members. So if you have a GAMING related website, any chance of posting it here?
Basically my website is now a freeware games site, and having just got it back online about 2 weeks ago, I've started rebuilding my traffic. I've goten about 90 uniques this week, up from 30 last week.
I'll of course link back! I'm building my links page today but thought I'd see what kind of link exchanges I could get from good old TGC.
I think this is a benefical exchange because I'm pretty good at building up website traffic over time; at one point Drewsgames.com was receiving 1000 uniques a day. (Then the new games stopped coming). I'm looking to reachieve that this month, with a bit of work on my behalf.