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2D All the way! / Hey everyone, got a question with this code....

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Joined: 26th Jun 2003
Posted: 26th Jun 2003 18:19
Ok, I just started writing this code in 2D for a simple mini game that drops a ball from random x locations at the top of the screen and when it collides with the player it goes back up and repeats, everything works great but I'm trying to figure out how to change the color of the ball to a random color when the level increases. Usually anything I've tried gives me an error that the bob does not exist when starting up the game. Like I tried to code a section that detected if level inc then pull a random rgb color for the ball. I know this sounds so stupid cuz the program is soo easy but when I get stuck like this, I tend to be persistent. No media is required for this so you can just put it in DB and run, however it was done in 1.13 not DB pro. Hope thats not a problem, though I use DB Pro as well it seems alot of my programs in 2D don't run in Pro and I haven't had the desire to actually sit and recode for pro at the moment. Hope someone can help and mucho thanks in advance for the time [b])

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