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2D All the way! / And yet another question for 2D...

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Posted: 26th Jun 2003 18:24
Oh wait, yeah this forum is all 2D...anyhow, I been trying like mad to figure out how to flash text during a game without hindering game performance. Like I tried a loop that would wait for a duration, clear text, wait again, print text, and repeat the process, but it ended up affecting the whole overall program. Like for example, you start the game and while it's playing, put some text in the middle of the screen like "Press Start To Begin", and flash that text at a medium consistent speed while playing a demo of the game at the same time, sorta like those old arcade games that would flash "Insert Coins" while you were watching the demo of the game. Thanks in advance if someone could help me out, I hate asking for stuff like this as I should try and do it myself, which I have, for quite a while but can't figure it out.
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Posted: 26th Jun 2003 18:29
Here is some nice code Fresh from the oven

REM do all your crap here..such as printing objects, images, etc

if x=5 then print "INSERT COINS!"
if x>5 then x=0


Is that what you're looking for?

Owner of MultiCode.NET and Multi2k.NET.
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Posted: 26th Jun 2003 19:08
YES!! It worked man, I took your idea, and came up with this and it works beautiful!!!! I added the code I wrote so you could see how I did it. Man thank you soo much, it was soo simple, and I feel so dumb lol. Thanks again morph!

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Posted: 26th Jun 2003 19:16
Glad to help.

I believe the code may run fast on 2 GHZ machines compared to 600 MHZ. It will probably blink faster, but I dunno. You'll have to test it.

Owner of MultiCode.NET and Multi2k.NET.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2003 20:02
I had a similar problem and I used your code and it works almost perfect.The problem is it blinks too fast.Can you help me?
Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 1st Jul 2003 20:33 Edited at: 1st Jul 2003 20:42
Really all the blinking should be controlled with the timer.

Time = Timer()+1000
If time <= timer()
Time = Timer()+1000
do your stuff here!
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2003 09:25
Yeah, right where I put if x = 20, just increase 20 to whatever duration you want. Now the only problem I'm having is say you have multiple text on a screen but you want to only blink on thing, using the cls method wouldn't be too good because if I'm guessin' right, it clears all the text, thus blinking everything else.....

Megaman X Gold
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2003 21:41
Why don't you, instead of a cls function, have the text command refer to a string value, and when you would normally want that text to be seen have the value "Press Start" and then when you don't want it seen have it replace using "". I don't know if that's a good idea, but it's what I'd try to do. 0.0


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Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2003 22:01 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2003 22:02
You can make text opaque and use "(SPACES)" to cover it up!
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Posted: 8th Jul 2003 07:26
yes, the timer one is correct.

i was thinking of the sleep command, but that would not blink at an exact interval

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