Hey dude,
Sorry to rain on your parade, but I think you might want to pick up a little TGC forum etiquette - simply because people on here to flame/pick out anything against the forum etiquette and will not always be so forgiving.
One thing is that the forum doesn't support useless threads because they're a waste of space and push good threads further down the page, If you want crit on your artwork, this section is definitely not the place.
Another is that nobody opens up .bmp files or download them, if you want to show us something, please always make sure you use .jpg or .png because then we can view them without downloading them (people don't like downloading stuff unless they think it's worth it)
If you have to make threads with questions (seeing a previous thread) 1: Make sure they're relevant to the forum and a question that merits a whole thread (And will need then to be in depth enough for people to get the idea), 2: Make sure you've tried to find out the answer yourself, people will do not do the work for you if you can use google or any kind of search)
Most of these things usually boil down to common forum sense, as a forum isn't a chatroom or a playground, but hey forum etiquette (or an etiquette that's as tight as one as this forum uses) is not intuitive.
So enjoy me hearty!
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