I've requested help with this a couple times before but no real fixes have been found... it's a major problem and I don't have anyone else to ask, so here we go again
When I move the mouse around in 3d games they crash.
This applies to:
Rune/Unreal Tournament/Unreal Tournament 2003/Morrowind/etc-- Direct3d related possibly.
They don't always instantly crash. Sometimes my computer will beep, sometimes it'll freeze for 5 seconds, sometimes the keyboard or mouse or both will stop responding, sometimes it'll lock up, and sometimes it'll BSOD (always the same error in it). I can normally safely navigate the mouse around in menus, but mouselook is a recipie for distaster. It gets worse when I'm tapping keys at the same time.
This has happened since, as far as I can tell, I installed Win98. I've switched mouses since the problem began and completely removed and reinstall my video card drivers. It happens with my ball mouse and my optical mouse.
Any help on this point would be appreciated. I can't play my favorite games
Famous Fighting Furball