Quote: "I read about sites like biz.to that pay u to click on ads. Do these sites actually do that? Or is it just a scam? Does anyone have any experience with this type of thing?"
They're a scam. Not for you, but the people they're selling "traffic" to. It's sad, they scam a person into buying a 300 dollar (or whatever they can get the person to pay) template website, and then ask them to buy 3000 (again, or whatever they're willing to pay) worth of "advertising" convincing these people that they're not making money because they aren't advertising. The advertising includes some arbitrarily high number of "clicks", but nobody ever buys anything from their site, because the people clicking are in it for the penny per click.
It's like if you went to google ads, purchased advertising, and then piped it all right back into automatically clicking on adsense ads, thus robbing legit advertisers. It's shady and wrong.
If you want to do some honest work, check out Amazon's mechanical turk at
www.mturk.com. It doesn't pay a lot, but it'll probably pay more than these "click for a penny" sites. And you're actually contributing to useful causes and projects.
Hurray for teh logd!