Hi everyone,
This is my segment pack which contains 17 new segments. The segment pack is free to use commercially and none commercially. You do not need to give credit unless you want to.
Included is:
-A metal boiler plater (Without the clangy metal sound)
-A Scratched Metal floor
-An 'orange' cliff with a green grass segment
-A rounded corner for the orange cliff
-A green-grey cliff with a green grass segment
-A rounded corner for the cliff
-Clouds (Floor)
-Cloud Room (The cloud texture but on a room segment for painting walls)
-A rounded Corner for the Cloud segments
-The green grass segment on its own
-A leather floor segment (You need to use your imagination with this one
-Moon Segment (Floor with stars in background)
-Daytime moon (Floor has the same colour as the sky texture)
-Sky (Not the Broadcast company. A sky segment!)
-SkyRoom (For painting walls)
-Stars (A floor with stars on. Goes perfect with the moon)
-StarRoom (For painting walls)[/b]
These segments work best when the ambience is set, rather than lights due to the sky showing where the corners are.
Also, for some reason, with the star segments, when the player moves the stars appear to flicker which I think is cool
Enjoy these.
Pictures Below. (I know the clouds look weird to by the way