First ever contribution
I made these for a puzzle game I am making, but i thought i should put back into the community I stalk...
These tectures are basically Silver/Metallic letters carved into rock, which can be put on top of the false walls (or some square object) to create alphabet stepping stones so to speak...
Great for a puzzle game, or action such as Indiana Jones...
To Use:
1. Put the "Letters" folder somewhere in you Texturebank (such as WW2 signs etc.)
2. Open FPSC
3. Place a prefab and/or segments.
4. Find the falsewalls (or a similiar alternative). Set it to 'Static' and change the texture to one of the letters.
5. Rotate it to match the ground. Place a Killzone or similiar on the letters you want them not to walk on.
I am currently trying to figure out a way to make the wrong letters break under the players feet, but I am quickly running out of ideas...
Remember: first contribution, so go easy
Ia Cthulhu...