Yes (Derby) bed shook, thought the party animals upstairs keeping me awake made my bed shake somehow...shame I was hoping to kill them for it...instead I'll blame Loki, Loki always causes earthquakes.
Though amusingly, a friend had his mother (living next door) try and enter because of the earthquake, he thought it was a burgalar, he got his re-enactments musket, bayonet and sword, sat in the dark poised with a flash round on his musket to scare the hell out of the burgalar, when instead scaring the crap out of his Mum thinking she had been shot.
Though I'd have any sympathy for a burgalar breaking into my friend's house, because of the major WTF factor of a man shooting a musket at you...if he was dressed up it would be even better.
Exit Pursued by man-bear-pig