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FPSC Classic Models and Media / [STICKY] Publish your models in the new TGC Store!

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Posted: 15th May 2008 00:03 Edited at: 17th Jul 2008 21:33

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Posted: 15th May 2008 00:14
My AA Missile passed, but since I'm under 18, I don't know what'll happen... Did anyone under 18 get in? If so, how. Any help appreciated

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Posted: 15th May 2008 00:33
Quote: "
is it good enough quality for the store if not constructive critism needed "

I'm gonna go with no...don't smooth your models, what is your model?

Cyborg ART
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Posted: 15th May 2008 17:45
Quote: "My AA Missile passed, but since I'm under 18, I don't know what'll happen... Did anyone under 18 get in? If so, how. Any help appreciated"

Yes... I did.

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 15th May 2008 18:30
Quote: "Yes... I did."


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Posted: 15th May 2008 18:47
He means that he got in while being under 18

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Posted: 15th May 2008 19:02
To get in it when under 18, you need your parents/guardian to sign the contract.
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Posted: 15th May 2008 21:12 Edited at: 17th Jul 2008 21:33
delete .

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Posted: 15th May 2008 21:25
Wait? can i be a seller who sells his models via tgc store for free?
Just wondering?

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Posted: 15th May 2008 21:57
LT Tatters: There is no point in putting a Seller that is not going to "Sell" anything.
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Posted: 15th May 2008 21:58
Of course! What do you think this thread is about?

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Posted: 15th May 2008 22:05
Please confine your posts to the appropriate forums as has been requested by other members.Some of your posts should have been posted in other forums and not here.

There is a "free" section in the store.I believe the latest beta with the store in it in the product chat forum.
It would be easier to find all of the free models in one place if you were looking for them.
There is some good free media available in the store...which is a good thing because if Conjured doesn't quit making stuff I'm going to be out of points...again.

The floating skull is gone but the flames burn on!!!
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Posted: 16th May 2008 21:33
okay sorry ill sort out my priorites

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Posted: 16th May 2008 22:45
@RickV you can add these for free download if you like.
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Posted: 16th May 2008 22:47 Edited at: 16th May 2008 23:03
Quote: "if Conjured doesn't quit making stuff I'm going to be out of points...again"

Hahaha Fred, you know my stuff is cheap.
I plan to add at least one new item every week though.

I made an aluminum box testerday, but haven't gotten it packaged up yet.
I was thinking of making like 4 or 5 different colors. (whatcha think?)

I'll probably put my Model of US Cash up for free in the store, just so it will be easier for newcomers to find. (I think I'll add a money wrap first)

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Indie PC Games
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Posted: 20th May 2008 15:26
Love all of the models. Good Job Everyone!

Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 21st May 2008 12:07
I'm gonna upload this, if it's accepted. It's a scifi pulse rifle. Of course, I could not resist making a bonus muzzleflash for it...

I'll also be making a custom crosshair, and i've almost got weapon and ammo pickups ready too.


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Posted: 21st May 2008 13:03

Rather shiny looking.

May have to get some stuff uploaded.... mid june, due to exams. urgh...
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Posted: 21st May 2008 23:02
Aww man toasty, that's sweet. This is a great idea, i may be able to buy some stuff.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 01:12
nice glow effect toasty just watch where you point that thing okay?

i seriously need to get off this site...

i haven't revised again

note will there be a file size limit

i have a huge ships that sort of float around in the sky (WIP)

i have also made a sort of fight scene for them like off Stargate in Iceland its really quite cool ill post screenies when ready,,,

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Posted: 28th May 2008 00:29
I'm not a great modeler, in fact I'm hardcore awful, however, I could probably come up with some awesome textures...Could a person put up 512x512 textures for sale or is the store simply for models?

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Ocho Geek
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Posted: 28th May 2008 00:38
no, got to be FPSC ready

you could do segments

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Posted: 28th May 2008 00:46
What do you need to make segments? (I know I seem like a total n00b, so feel free to flame me, I won't take offense)

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Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 28th May 2008 01:06
Get MagicFPS, Firma or something similar. You just put in your texture, and then it makes the segment for you. Hope this helps.

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Posted: 30th May 2008 03:39 Edited at: 30th May 2008 03:48
is it done yet?

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Posted: 30th May 2008 13:59
The store is already out. It has been for like two weeks. Look at the stickies in FPSC Chat.
Quote: "is it done yet?"

some kid
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Posted: 30th May 2008 23:31 Edited at: 30th May 2008 23:42
Quote: "The store is already out. It has been for like two weeks. Look at the stickies in FPSC Chat."
still no luck.

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Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 31st May 2008 00:30
Quote: "still no luck."

The Store is out, just click this link since you are having trouble finding it.

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Posted: 31st May 2008 22:21

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Maniac Modeler
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2008 18:36
Uh im so mad! I have so much content that I want to add to the store, but I am under age, I don't want money for them at all.
Is it possible to upload FREE models into the store without doing any paper work? Because I am very interested in putting content into the GCS
Cyborg ART
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2008 20:15
I could publish them for you for free, just email Rick and ask if that is okay. Tell him that it is OK for me.
But I wont publish everything you make, just so you know

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Posted: 18th Jun 2008 22:42
out of curiosity will there be a standalone version...

if you think about it, it would be very useful for people who dont own fpsc aloowing a larger part of this forum to sell there models...

you would proable have to attach a 3d renderer to check that everything works okay, so its litarally a camera on wheels circling the model to check for any bugs

just a thought

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Posted: 19th Jun 2008 01:38
Quote: "out of curiosity will there be a standalone version..."

there working on it right now i think

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Posted: 19th Jun 2008 20:31
sound i can get me mate to stop harrasing me to fpsc ready his models

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Jo Jo Monkey
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Posted: 25th Jun 2008 23:25
You know, the police robot that just popped up would sell better if
all pink colors were removed and subbed for grey colors (including the pink police logo)
Bad Monkey
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Posted: 26th Jun 2008 02:53 Edited at: 26th Jun 2008 03:21
Quote: "You know, the police robot that just popped up would sell better if
all pink colors were removed and subbed for grey colors (including the pink police logo) "

I made that police robot. Thanks for the suggestion. Believe me there will be more robots and more texture variations. I like the scifi theme and I'll continue doing more characters in that genre.

I do appreciate to hear your feedback, and I'm glad to know that somebody saw it.

Here's a pic:

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Jo Jo Monkey
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Posted: 26th Jun 2008 04:30 Edited at: 26th Jun 2008 04:37
See, now I would buy that! -- Minus the pink on the shoulder.

Bad Monkey, you should also put up your politicians and other robots for sale on TGC.
Bad Monkey
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Posted: 26th Jun 2008 17:57
Last time I posted my political characters on this forum, my thread was locked. Apparantly, politics is against their AUP.

Also, I don't want to part with them for less than $10 USD each. I like them, and am using them in my own releases. I'm pretty sure that TGC wouldn't like having characters in their store that cost 2000 points. I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask, however.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2008 18:11
@Bad Monkey, do you have the rights to the pictures of the people in your political characters pack?

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Posted: 27th Jun 2008 06:00
Just a suggestion, but fpi scripts should also be sold in the tgc store.
Cyborg ART
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Posted: 27th Jun 2008 12:19
They can be included in a model.

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Posted: 30th Jun 2008 01:29
I have a question. How do I get the latest version of the new TGC store? And what exactly is the Build Game Upgrade?

Signed, Zeldar
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Posted: 30th Jun 2008 16:25
Build game allows you to compile all of your levels into a single game. You can also change test game settings there too.

To get the TGC store, go to, find the downloads section, and download the latest version.

If you look at the FPSC chat, you can also try one of the betas.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 14:20
hey does anybody knows how long it can takes before you know if your model is coming in TGC-store?

sorry for my bad english (i am dutch)
Cyborg ART
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 14:26
Quote: "hey does anybody knows how long it can takes before you know if your model is coming in TGC-store?"

Depends... Maybe about a month +- 1 year

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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 17:06
ow that is a long time, then i'll just wait:~P

sorry for my bad english (i am dutch)
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Posted: 20th Aug 2008 03:09
I think he was joking. When you post a model, it takes 1-3 days for them to approve it.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2008 12:06
ow haha and do you get a mail if they don't approve it too?
becuz else i am waiting a year still

sorry for my bad english (i am dutch)
Cyborg ART
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Posted: 20th Aug 2008 18:00
Quote: "ow haha and do you get a mail if they don't approve it too?
becuz else i am waiting a year still"

Are you a seller yet?
If you are, then they should email you if it aint approved.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2008 18:13
this is my first upload to the store so.

sorry for my bad english (i am dutch)

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