you definitely tried to keep things focused in this video update vs the last, and i do appreciate that immenseley! the new art pieces were interesting; i like the style. (yes, you do have style
). and, it did show a little more on your menu/button functionality, which looks good.
but... (always a "but", right?)
i do have some suggestions that you may be open to.
1) please, make 1 WIP thread for your game and stay there (this is your 3rd now. maybe more?!). ie, don't post an entirely new thread for each update. this way, people, like myself, who are interested in your project know they can find all things "elementium" in one place.
2) the real "update" was in the additional artwork you've created, right? that's 2-3 pieces that could have been better presented as screenshots vs a low quality youtube video. do your art some justice and post actual versions of it that we can see clearly vs subjecting it to the compression scheme of youtube video. and, those screenshots would have been a nice update in your LAST thread; they don't warrant an entirely new thread since it's still elementium, which hasn't strayed from it's initial form.
3) don't show areas on the screen where "things will be". yeah, so Mana will go here, the World will be 3D, etc, etc. we're not here to imagine what you're envisioning. we're here to SEE it. of course your front end is going to evolve. don't explain that; it's what we expect. instead, SHOW us when you're READY talk about it. even if it's rough outlines and sketches IN GAME (props/place holders), share it. but don't explain what the black space WILL be.
and, i'm sorry if my suggestions sound like a "scolding" but i AM interested in elementium (btw, kudos for not stumbling on the name this time
); so much so that i'm following your "numerous" threads around to keep an eye on it. so, do us, already "fans" and interested parties, a favor and keep it all together in 1 thread while maintaining that "short and sweet" delivery i spoke on before.
best o luck! and, stay busy on this
Virtual Nomad
AMD XP 1800+ (~1.6 Ghz) / 1.5 GB RAM
ATI Radeon 8700LE 128 MB / Windows XP