that's what I thought but it doesn't carry the textures over. I even copied the texture file from DoGA and moved it to the texture bank folder in FPSC and that didn't help. When I select it in the entity folder it looks rights. But when I run the game, the ship turns gray and there are no textures/colors visible. And some times when I try to place the ship, it doesn't appear at all. Other times it appears on the roof, even after I zoomed in and made sure it was touching the floor. Go figure lol. I guess I have to tweak it a bit. As for the textures I guess I will have to go into the .X file and make sure that they are there and the paths are right. Oh that is gonna be fun lol. For your troubles...have a penguin
LIFE: "That thing that happens to us when we are too young to die"
~V.J.C. 2003