Hallo GLI Games...of course you can do something like that...and not only 2 waypoint but thousands... try this piece of code and approach your player to yellow one...
autocam off
sync on
//we create the waypoint objects
for i= 1 to 10
make object box i,3,3,3
next i
// making the level
make object box 1000,100,1,100
make object box 1001,100,1,100:position object 1001,100,0,0
make object box 1002,100,1,100:position object 1002,100,0,100
make object box 1003,100,1,100:position object 1003,-150,0,0
make object box 1004,100,1,100:position object 1004,-150,0,150
make object box 1005,100,1,100:position object 1005,-50,0,150
for i= 1000 to 1005
color object i,rgb(0,255,0)
next i
make object sphere 100,20
color object 100,rgb(255,255,0)
position object 100,28,0,75
make object sphere 101,20
color object 101,rgb(255,0,0)
set object collision off 101
position camera 0,500,0
point camera 0,0,0
// positioning waypoints manually
position object 1,-222,0,72
position object 2,-222,0,223
position object 3,12,0,228
position object 4,172,0,160
position object 5,172,0,-77
position object 6,-126,0,-77
position object 7,-73,0,-63
position object 8,-73,0,74
position object 9,24,0,74
if upkey() then z#=z#+0.3
if downkey() then z#=z#-0.3
if leftkey() then x#=x#-0.3
if rightkey() then x#=x#+0.3
position object 101,x#,0,z#
if object collision(100,0)=wp then wp=wp+1
point object 100,object position x(wp),object position y(wp),object position z(wp)
if wp=10 then wp=1
move object 100,0.1
set cursor 5,5:print "WAYPOINT ",WP-1
set cursor 5,25:print "TRY TO APPROACH TO SOLDAT"
dx#=object position x(100)-object position x(101)
dz#=object position z(100)-object position z(101)
if distancia#<50
point object 100,object position x(101),object position y(101),object position z(101)
move object 100,0.2
oh my god