I have to agree.The first game is much better and more polished.They tried to do too much with the second game.Not that they couldn't but George Lucas wasn't making enough zillions of bucks so the game was released unfinished.The fact that the game was not finished is just plain wrong and is quite evident in several places in the game...most notably like THE END!
The second game is fun to play.New stuff to do,force powers and fun and crazy things.
Now if they would have played the first one while they were making the second one the second one could have been stellar.
The difference is simple...
KOTOR is like episodes 4,5, and 6 (you know the only actual real ones).Made for fun and entertainment.
KOTOR II is like episodes 1,2 and 3...so that Lucas can captialize on a franchise without having to worry about quality (I cannot even begin to fathom how many fanboys buy Star Wars games just because they are Star Wars games...not because the are good).
And because Samuel L. Jackson has to be a part of every movie franchise...check it out if you don't believe me.Die Hard,Star Wars...the list goes on.
I know I probably just made the hate lists of some Star Wars fanboys and that's okay.
I'm a trekkie so I outnerd you in every way...
Please have mercy and use the search function.