Patience is virtue,
And when you have none,
The mods from on high,
Will frown on you son.
You should know that the life,
Of the indie and quaint,
is a life full of joys,
Some long, some succinct.
Having the privelage of working from home,
Is like leaping and swimming through piles of gold.
And when you are so enlightened as such,
It is a trivial matter to forgot your master sketch.
For a sketch is a story,
Told through a million strokes;
Of a pencil now weary,
Left wayward and dull.
But the fact of the matter,
If you'll forgive my distraction,
Is that the Indies at heart,
oft' cause infraction.
So don't be too harsh,
With your quick, heavy hand,
Just give them some time,
Just trust in them man!